This master's degree is aimed at students who are interested in teaching and culture, and in taking part in socio-educational projects
Through the university access portal.
Documentation to be submitted
Pre-enrolment calendar
Pre-enrolment: from 26 July to 8 September
Publication of places: 21 September
From October to June. Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings.
Master’s degree aimed at creating professionals qualified to practise
Dr Franciele Corti. PhD in Education and Society and Degree in Mathematics. She has teaching experience in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate. Professor in the Education Degrees at Abat Oliba CEU University.
This Master's degree is a legal requirement for people looking to work as teachers at the various levels of secondary education and replaces previous qualification programmes. This means that completion of this Master's degree is the only way to become a teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training, both in public and private schools. This requirement is established in Articles 94, 95 and 97 of Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May on Education.
Mathematics: € 4,455*
Catalan and Spanish Language and Literature: € 4,335*
*Price for the 2025-26 academic year
Tuition fees correspond, solely and exclusively, to the provision of teaching as part of the programme enrolled on, and this is the only service offered in exchange for the payment of those fees. By enrolling, the student accepts that decisions made by the competent authorities may, directly or indirectly, render it necessary to carry out teaching, tutoring, work placements or assessment tests either in person or via distance learning.
The student accepts that they remain obliged to pay any such fees in full even if, for reasons beyond the control of the University, some of the educational activities included in the degree cannot be carried out as initially provided for in the course guides at the beginning of the academic year. If restrictions are part in place, the University will provide the student with a guarantee that the activity will be rescheduled when possible, taking into consideration the interests of the student and any other applicable academic criteria.
A one-off payment entitles you to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.
In three instalments per year.
10 instalments with special 0% interest financing with CaixaBank. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.
With Banco Santander, CaixaBank, BBVA and Banc Sabadell. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.
Postgraduate and Further University Studies
Bellesguard 30. 08022 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 253 72 03
[email protected]
The Official Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching is aimed at students who hold an official Spanish university degree or another degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area or outside the European Union that entitles access to master's degree courses in the country issuing the degree.
This master's degree is aimed at students who are interested in teaching and culture, and in taking part in socio-educational projects. They should have sufficient knowledge of the subjects of their speciality, be able to use a foreign language and other skills relating to interpersonal communication and group leadership.
Given the nature of the degree, it is desirable for applicants to show the following:
• Interest in teaching and in the education of young people in general.
• Interest in culture, understood in its broadest sense, as an element of social transformation.
• Interest in social issues and their effect on education.
• Sensitivity towards educational problems and the challenges of modern-day education
• Interest and participation in projects relating to social interventions, education, or similar, mainly aimed at adolescents and young people.
• Sense of responsibility and interest in educational work.
• Interest and talent for interpersonal communication and group leadership.
• Analytical and observational skills.
• Ability to work as a team.
• Creative disposition.
• Drive, discipline and a responsible attitude to individual work.
• Capacity for abstract thinking and understanding.
• Knowledge and ability to use digital competences.
• Broad and precise vocabulary, ease of expression and good comprehension.
• Rigour in communication, avoiding sexist language, promoting education grounded in equality.
• Sufficient knowledge of the subjects of the speciality they wish to study.
• Knowledge and command of foreign language(s).
• Interest in diverse didactic resources that encourage students to integrate learning (cinema, literature, documentaries, experimentation, etc.).
To provide the training and qualifications required to teach in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, specialising in Mathematics and Catalan/Spanish Language and Literature.