In the Preamble of the rules of organization and operation of the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, published in issue 266 of the Spanish Official Gazette (BOE) on November 4, 2011, this institution is defined as follows:
‘The Universitat Abat Oliba CEU is a non-profit private university, promoted by the San Pablo-CEU University Foundation, an initiative of the Catholic Association of Propagandists (ACdP).
It takes the legal form of a foundation, under the name Fundació Privada Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, which was established on November 23, 2002, and registered in the Register of Foundations of the Government of Catalonia on June 23, 2003.
The Universitat Abat Oliba CEU is an academic institution recognized by Law 20/2003, of July 4, of the Parliament of Catalonia, under Article 27.6 of the Spanish Constitution and Article 172.2 of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, and within the framework of Article 101 of Law 1/2003, of February 19, on universities of Catalonia.
The Universitat Abat Oliba CEU originates from the Centro de Estudios Universitarios (CEU), an initiative of the Catholic Association of Propagandists, founded in line with the thought of Father Ayala on the formation of individuals with a supernatural spirit and moral ideals, in service of the common good, inspired by the decisive leadership of the Servant of God Ángel Herrera Oria.
Mission definition
Inspired by the Catholic intellectual tradition, the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU educates students to become morally responsible individuals who think critically, act wisely, and, with professional competence, develop their abilities in the service of society, promoting the common good.
The mission of the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU is focused on the comprehensive education of students based on excellence. This goal is achieved through teaching and research, with an ethical commitment founded on Christian humanism, enabling students to gain knowledge of society and fully integrate into the workforce.
To fulfill its mission, the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU bases its work on the following key principles:
First, personalized attention to students throughout their educational journey. In our educational project, the key to comprehensive education is the creation of a personal and academic relationship between professors and students. This personal relationship develops specific learning objectives and requires particular attitudes from both parties. Professors demonstrate genuine appreciation for students, motivate them in their pursuit of knowledge, and promote the development of intellectual skills while also fostering personal growth. For students, a desire to learn, curiosity, and a healthy intellectual ambition are essential for their personal and professional growth. These qualities, which foster critical thinking and self-improvement, are based on recognizing the scientific and human authority of the professor.
As a result, in addition to teaching, the educational model of UAO CEU includes a program of academic tutoring and mentoring.
This fundamental approach is widely supported by the high level of student satisfaction, as reflected in student feedback surveys.
The second key principle supporting our mission is the employability and professional development of our students in the labor market. This goal is achieved through comprehensive education based on the acquisition of skills and competencies that ensure our graduates meet the demands of their chosen professional fields.
This second aspect is supported by the high employability rate of our graduates. Furthermore, this is confirmed by employability studies conducted by AQU (Agency for Quality in the University System of Catalonia), which, in its latest study on graduate job placement, places us above the average for Catalan universities.
Finally, to fulfill its mission, UAO CEU offers programs designed to foster a vocation of service to others, providing students with the necessary tools for this purpose. This includes leadership training, promoting and facilitating participation in volunteer work and service to the most needy, and offering specific awards for final-year projects with social content.
Although it is difficult to measure the success of this aspect of UAO CEU's mission, we are pleased to say that our graduates stand out for their commitment to public service, as demonstrated by their active participation in political activities (in the last election cycle, UAO alumni were elected to represent local, regional, national, and European political parties), their involvement in civil society organizations, and a higher-than-average participation in public service exams compared to other Catalan university graduates.
Mission Statement
The educational and research activities at Universitat Abat Oliba CEU are founded on a concept of reason open to transcendence, where the search for and communication of truth coexist with the certainty of already knowing the source of truth. This dialogue between faith and reason guides academic activities at all levels, always respecting the unique nature of each discipline.
It is part of the commitment of all members of the university community of Universitat Abat Oliba CEU to respect and foster a spirit of freedom and responsibility, in line with the nature, mission, and objectives of the institution's founding ideals.
The principles that guide our mission are regulated in the NOF of Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (GOV/138/2011, of October 11, approving the Rules of Organization and Operation of Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, published in the Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia, issue 5984, on October 14, 2011). These principles are:
‘In line with its founding inspiration, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU bases its mission and work on the following principles:
The creation of a university community dedicated to the common pursuit of truth, with a vision of the dignity of the human person and the message of Christ, which gives the university its distinctive character.
The close relationship between professors and students, aimed at fostering personal connections in teaching, the natural space for the development of human intelligence and freedom.
Excellence in teaching at all university levels and across all disciplines.
A commitment to research, according to the specific methods of each discipline.
The pursuit of truth will be guided by the integration of knowledge, the dialogue between faith and reason, a specific concern for the moral implications of scientific and technical research methods and results, and the recognition of the irreplaceable role of Catholic theology.
Universitat Abat Oliba CEU contributes to society as a whole and offers an effective and generous scholarship and financial aid policy for those who lack sufficient financial resources. This policy, based on merit and ability, supports the university’s core objectives. In the implementation of this policy, special attention will be given to those with dependency or disability who apply for support.
The UAO CEU does not participate in other entities.
Abat Oliba CEU University publishes the number of staff it employs.
General information on the staff employed by the University: teaching and research staff (PDI) and administration and services staff (PAS) for the 2023-2024 academic year.
2023-2024 |
Personal |
Men |
Women |
Total |
Permanent Faculty Members |
38 | 41 | 79 |
Associate Faculty Members (undergraduate) |
60 | 47 | 107 |
Total Faculty Members |
98 | 88 | 186 |
Administrative and Service Staff |
24 | 45 | 69 |
Total |
122 | 133 | 255 |
In percentages |
47,84 % |
52,16 % |
General information on administrative and service staff, by category and sex
Category PAS |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Analyst |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Service Assistant 1st Class / Custodian |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
OF. 1 ADM. |
3 |
12 |
15 |
OF. 1.ª OFIC. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
OF. 2 ADM. |
0 |
6 |
6 |
Operator |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Intermediate Level Holder |
2 |
0 |
2 |
Superior Level Holder |
7 |
12 |
19 |
Specialist Technician |
7 |
8 |
15 |
IT Technician | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Administrative Assistant |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Library Assistant |
0 |
3 |
3 |
Librarian |
0 |
1 |
1 |
24 |
45 |
69 |
In percentages |
34,78 % |
65,22 % |
27,06 % |
Information on administration and service staff (foreign PAS)
Male |
Female |
Total |
1 |
4 |
5 |
In percentages |
4,17 % |
8,89 % |
7,25 % |
General information on permanent teaching and research staff, by category and sex
Categoría PDI |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Chair professor |
10 |
1 |
11 |
Titular Professor |
5 |
4 |
9 |
Assistant Professor | 8 | 17 | 25 |
Adjunct Professor (Doctorate) |
11 |
11 |
22 |
Adjunct Professor (Bachelor's Degree) |
2 |
2 |
4 |
Associate Professor |
60 |
47 |
107 |
Research Support Staff | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Research Grant Holder |
1 |
5 |
6 |
98 |
88 |
186 |
In percentages |
52,69 % |
47,31 % |
72,94 % |
General information on permanent foreign teaching and research staff
Male |
Female |
Total |
Associate Foreign and Research Staff Members |
9 |
6 |
15 |
In percentages |
9,18 % |
6,82 % |
8,06 % |
General information on associated professional teaching and research staff, by category and sex
Men |
Women |
Total |
Doctors |
41 |
22 |
63 |
Accredited |
6 |
0 |
6 |
Licenciates |
22 |
6 |
28 |
35 |
8 |
43 |
In percentages |
81,40 % |
18,60 % |
16,86 % |
General information on foreign associate teaching and research staff
Male |
Female |
Total |
Associate Foreign and Research Staff Members |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Percentages |
2,86 % |
0,00 % |
2,33 % |
Salary bands are published in accordance with the 14th Collective Agreement for University Education and Research Centres. Resolution of May 16, 2024, by the General Directorate of Labor.
As an institution committed to society, the CEU believes it is essential to apply criteria of transparency and good governance in the daily management of society and its institutions. These are both essential values in ensuring propriety in the activities of both public and private institutions.
The entry into force of Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, represents progress in the regulation of this issue.
Abat Oliba CEU University wishes to demonstrate its commitment to transparency and good governance. To this end, it periodically publishes updated information that goes beyond its legal obligations, by offering further information to help further the values that guide its objectives of innovation, transparency, openness and commitment to the society in which it operates.
At an operational level, the General Hiring Process of CEU (in Spanish) defines the criteria, guidelines and persons responsible in hiring processes, and applies to all centres and groups. This process is structured around the following points:
El Patronato de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU es el máximo órgano colegiado de gobierno de la Universitat y ejerce todas las funciones inherentes a esta condición. El Patronato de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU es el Patronato de la Fundació Privada Universitat Abat Oliba CEU.
Composición del Patronato
El Patronato estará compuesto por miembros natos y electos.
Serán miembros natos: el presidente, el vicepresidente, el consiliario nacional de la Asociación Católica de Propagandistas y el arzobispo de Barcelona. El presidente de la Asociación Católica de Propagandistas será el presidente del Patronato con la dignidad honorífica de gran canciller de la Universitat.
Los patronos electos lo serán en la cantidad de doce. Deberán pertenecer a la Asociación Católica de Propagandistas en la condición de miembros activos, y serán elegidos y relevados de acuerdo con los Estatutos de la Fundació Privada Universitat Abat Oliba CEU.
Los electos ejercerán su mandato durante un período de cuatro años y podrán ser reelegidos dos veces consecutivas.
Podrán asistir a las reuniones del Patronato por tratar uno o varios puntos del orden del día, cuando sean invitados por el presidente, con voz pero sin voto: el rector o rectora de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, el o la gerente de la Universitat, el director general de la Fundació Privada Universitat Abat Oliba CEU u otros cargos o personas.
Las funciones del Patronato de la Universitat se regulan en el art. 16 del Acuerdo GOV/138/2011, de 11 de octubre, por el que se aprueban las Normas de Organización y Funcionamiento de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU.
Al Patronato le corresponde la superior representación y gobierno de la misma, es autónomo en el cumplimiento de su misión, y puede llevar a cabo todo tipo de actos y de negocios jurídicos y actuar en el ámbito jurisdiccional, sin perjuicio de las facultades que sean competencia del Protectorado. Le corresponde velar por el cumplimiento de la finalidad fundacional, de la realidad de la dotación y de la destinación a favor de los beneficiarios, de los frutos, de las rentas y de los bienes de que disponga la Fundació.
El Patronato es titular de las facultades y de las potestades que en derecho correspondan a este tipo de órganos para el eficaz logro de las finalidades fundacionales. En todo caso, las funciones del Patronato estarán claramente diferenciadas de las funciones propias de los órganos y de los puestos de gerencia, de dirección y de gestión técnicas ordinarias.
Los patronos deberán desarrollar el cargo con la diligencia de un buen administrador.
Los patronos responderán ante la Fundació del cumplimiento de la voluntad y de los fines fundacionales, así como de los daños y de los perjuicios que causen por actos y omisiones contrarios a la ley y a los estatutos o por los realizados negligentemente, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente.
Quedarán exentos de responsabilidad todos aquellos que se hubieran opuesto expresamente al acuerdo determinante de la responsabilidad, o que no hubieran participado en la adopción del acuerdo.
Entre las facultades del Patronato, cabe destacar, entre otras, las siguientes, que no tienen carácter limitativo:
D. José Masip Marzá, Vicepresidente ACdP
Mons. Fidel Herráez Vegas, Consiliario Nacional ACdP
Mons. Juan José Omella Omella, Cardenal-Arzobispo de Barcelona
D. Juan Bover Fernández de Palencia
D. Íñigo de Bustos Pardo Manuel de Villena
D. Gonzalo Fernández Escribano
D.ª Consuelo García-Angulo de la Calle
D. Juan Jurado Ballesta
D. Manuel Isidro Marco Camacho
D.ª Consuelo Martínez-Sicluna Sepúlveda
D. José Manuel Otero Novas
D.ª Nuria C. Vázquez Freire
D. Roque Velasco Luque
El Gobierno de la Universitat se articula de conformidad con las disposiciones del título tercero de las Normas de Organización y Funcionamiento de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, aprobadas por el Acuerdo GOV/138/2011, de 11 de octubre, por el que se aprueban las Normas de Organización y Funcionamiento de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU.
De acuerdo con el artículo 29 de las Normas de Organización y Funcionamiento de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, el Consejo de Gobierno es el órgano colegiado que se encarga de la dirección ordinaria de la gestión académica de la Universitat. Sus acuerdos, en el ámbito de su competencia, serán vinculantes para cualquier otro órgano unipersonal o colegiado de rango jerárquico inferior. Son competencias del Consejo de Gobierno:
El Consejo de Gobierno estará constituido por el rector o rectora, que lo presidirá; los vicerrectores; el secretario o secretaria general, que actuará como secretario del Consejo de Gobierno; el o la gerente, los decanos de facultad y los directores de escuela, centro, y un director o directora de departamento de cada facultad o escuela.
El Defensor Universitario podrá asistir, invitado por el rector o rectora, con voz pero sin voto. Podrán ser convocados por el rector o rectora para ser escuchados por el Consejo de Gobierno los directores de los departamentos y de los institutos universitarios de investigación cuando en el Consejo de Gobierno se traten cuestiones relativas a su ámbito, así como el resto de personas de la comunidad universitaria que considere oportuno, en función de los asuntos específicos que se deban tratar.
La composición del Consejo de Gobierno es la siguiente:
De acuerdo con lo previsto en el art. 32 de las Normas de Organización y Funcionamiento de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU en el curso académico 2019/2020, se ha constituido la Comisión Permanente del Consejo de Gobierno, que actúa por delegación del mismo para la resolución de los asuntos de gobierno ordinario de la Universitat
La Comisión Permanente está constituida por el rector, que la presidirá, los vicerrectores, el secretario general, que actuará como secretario, el gerente y los decanos de facultad.
El rector o rectora es la máxima autoridad académica de la Universitat y, de acuerdo con las directrices fijadas por el Patronato, le corresponden la dirección, el gobierno y la gestión ordinaria de la Universitat, de acuerdo con las Normas de Organización y Funcionamiento y con los reglamentos internos. Preside el Claustro de la Universitat, el Consejo de Gobierno y cualquier órgano colegiado al que asista.
Igualmente, tiene la representación de la Universitat y preside todos los actos de la misma, sin perjuicio de las atribuciones conferidas por las Normas de Organización y Funcionamiento al presidente del Patronato y gran canciller de la Universitat.
Son competencias del rector o rectora:
El rector o rectora es nombrado y removido por el Patronato de la Universitat, y su mandato será por un período no superior a cuatro años, pudiendo ser elegido de forma consecutiva una sola vez. No obstante, la facultad del Patronato tiene el poder, en cualquier momento, de revocar el nombramiento.
El rector de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU es el Dr. Arcadi Gual Sala.
De acuerdo con el artículo 40 de las Normas de Organización y Funcionamiento de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, el rector o rectora puede proponer al Patronato la designación de uno o más Vicerrectores de entre los profesores doctores de la Universitat, que asumirán las funciones que el rector o rectora les atribuya por delegación.
La Universitat Abat Oliba CEU cuenta con tres facultades:
De acuerdo con el artículo 41 de las Normas de Organización y Funcionamiento de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, el secretario o secretaria general es el fedatario de los actos y acuerdos de la Junta de Gobierno, y su designación le corresponde al Patronato, a propuesta del rector o rectora, entre los profesores doctores de la Universitat. Son competencias del secretario o secretaria general:
La secretaria general de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU es la Dra. Mª Jesús Pesqueira.
De acuerdo con el artículo 43 de las Normas de Organización y Funcionamiento de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, el o la gerente es el órgano unipersonal superior de gestión de la Universitat. Le corresponde al Patronato el nombramiento y remoción de su titular por un período de cuatro años renovables indefinidamente, aunque podrá ser removido en cualquier momento por el que lo nombró. Son competencias del o la gerente:
El gerente de la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU es el Sr. Albert Schaefer.
El Consejo Asesor es el órgano de conexión de la Universitat con la sociedad: promueve acuerdos con empresas e instituciones para perfeccionar la formación de sus alumnos y facilitarles la inserción profesional, así como ayudas al estudio y líneas de investigación interesantes para las instituciones y el entorno social. Los miembros del Consejo Asesor son:
El Consejo Académico es el principal órgano de asesoramiento científico de la Universitat y el encargado de transmitirle las necesidades que demanda la sociedad en lo que respecta a la creación de nuevas titulaciones o la orientación de las actuales. Sus miembros son:
Rules governing the organisation and functioning of Abat Oliba CEU University contained in GOV Agreement 138/2011, of 11 October, approving the Rules of Organisation and Functioning of UAO CEU.
Law 20/2003, of 4 July, recognising Abat Oliba CEU (BOE 189, de 8-8-2003).
Resolution EMC/3060/2019, dated November 6th, which recognizes the creation of the Faculty of Law and Business, the Faculty of Psychology, and the Faculty of Communication, Education, and Humanities by segregation from the Faculty of Social Sciences, which is abolished, and recognizes the abolition of the Polytechnic School of Engineering at Universitat Abat Oliba CEU.
You can consult all information on our catalogue of official programmes on our website.
The information included on the transparency, social responsibility and good governance section of the Abat Oliba CEU University website is constantly evolving and improving. This information is included under Evaluation and Monitoring, in the section on monitoring indicators. The figures relating to the University’s most relevant academic data are regularly updated, once they have been compiled by the Internal Quality Assurance System.
The information on official UAO CEU undergraduate and master’s degrees is found, broken down by department, with details as to the total number and growth in applications for enrolment (demand), the number and growth in the number of students actually enrolled and the academic performance achieved under each programme.
Please follow this link to see the evolution of demand for each degree.
The University publishes a profile of its professors with their names, category, dedication, distinctions and a brief curriculum vitae, broken down by department or academic field. This information is published on the website and can be consulted by following this link.
Student representative bodies
The Student Council of Abat Oliba CEU University is the highest body representing students. Its mission is to help improve the quality of studies and services at UAO CEU, as well as to ensure the rights and duties of students. It represents UAO CEU students in the Vives Network of Universities and in the Inter-University Council of Catalonia.
The general delegates of Abat Oliba CEU University, elected by vote by all delegates and sub-delegates of the University, are
Student participation and support service
The aim of Student Services is to inform, guide and advise students in all areas of university life. Its fundamental purpose is to help resolve, where possible, any and all issues referred to it, seeking the best solution or alternative depending on each case.
Student Services manages participation in cultural and leisure activities at the University: University Choir, theatre, communication workshop, Debate Society and the Entrepreneurs’ Club It also coordinates the Student Council.
Psychological Guidance Service (SAP)
The Psychological Guidance Service is a service to support students, tutors and teachers, and its main functions are:
Academic and personal guidance for students
Support for tutors and teachers
Disability support
UAO CEU is an equal-opportunities institution and works to promote the inclusion of students with some kind of disability as part of the university community, offering personalised support in meeting their needs.
Sports Service
A member of theAssociation of University Sports Clubs of Catalonia and founded in 1985, the Sports Service coordinates sports-related activities at Abat Oliba CEU University.
The service takes part in university championships, coordinates social tournaments for indoor football and paddleball, and organises trips every year to compete with other universities in Spain and abroad. Abat Oliba CEU University has agreements with gyms to promote regular sporting activity.
The Sports Service manages the Healthy University programme. In December 2010, REUS (the Spanish Network of Healthy Universities) and the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality approved our project and appointed UAO CEU as a full member.
UAO CEU thereby became the first private university in Catalonia and Spain to be accredited as a “healthy university”.
Work Placement and Employment Service
The Internship and Employment Service is responsible for providing careers guidance and helping students and recent graduates enter the world of work. It manages both a nationwide jobs board, with more than 2,300 companies signed up, and an International Careers programme, with internships and offers for first jobs in over 76 countries. It comes under the remit of the Office of the Vice-Rector for Students.
With 28 years’ experience and solid connections to Catalan civil society, it represents something that is highly valued by students: support in entering the professional world.
The transition from the classroom to the world of work is a major step that requires careful planning. In addition to students’ formal education, and the important training as individuals capable of working in a team and reacting to changes in their environment, students will also be in close contact with the world of work throughout their studies.
To this end, the Work Placement and Employment Service coordinates the following activities:
With this knowledge, the student will be better placed to take on the search for their first job, improving their long-term career prospects.
Work Placement and Employment Service website
University Ombudsman
The University Ombudsman, a person appointed by the Board of Trustees of Abat Oliba CEU University, is charged with the functions of defending and protecting the rights, duties and legitimate interests of members of the university community. Their fundamental aim is to contribute to the improvement of the quality and proper functioning of the University.
Procedure for submitting a complaint: any member of the Abat Oliba CEU University community may contact the University Ombudsman on an individual or collective basis to have a legitimate interest defended. Any application shall be submitted to the Ombudsman Secretariat, signed by the person or persons concerned, with a written reasoned statement containing the personal details and address for notification purposes.
The tutor system is one of the most effective instruments in providing academic and human training to students at Abat Oliba CEU University.
Tutoring should be understood as both a right and a duty for students at Abat Oliba CEU University. It should be conceived as a requirement for personalising students’ training process and as an educational service provided in order for them to maximise their potential.
The aim is for students to receive the information and guidance they need to integrate into the University, improving their learning process and easing their transition into the world of work.
The objective of tutoring is to guide students in everything that can contribute to improving their academic performance, to facilitate their participation in university life and their human, cultural and spiritual education.
The main functions of tutoring are:
All students will be assigned a tutor during the first month of their studies who will support them over the course of their programme.
Tutor sessions are held through appointments that can be regularly scheduled. During the first year, at least five interviews will be scheduled. In the following years, tutor sessions will be offered on a freer basis, and so there is no set number of scheduled interviews.
The person responsible for the tutor action plan is the Vice-Rector for Students and Quality, Dr M.ª Teresa Signes, who chairs the Tutor Action Commission, charged with the implementation and supervision of the tutor action plan.
Channels of communication with the community
Abat Oliba CEU University offers an annual scholarship programme for students taking official master’s degrees and specialisation programmes (PAEM), based on discounts and public and private support.
This programme is aimed at helping bearing the cost of master’s studies and specialisation courses. The value of the scholarships range from 10% to 50% of the total cost of the programme and are awarded based on the student’s academic record, ties to Abat Oliba CEU University and the student’s personal situation.
Students on master’s degrees and specialisation courses can apply during the ordinary enrolment period for programmes and once they have paid the enrolment fee, under the terms set forth by the Admissions Service.
Students cannot take advantage of more than one PAEM scholarship, and the discount does not apply to academic record management fees.
The compatibility of applications for PAEM scholarships will be in accordance with the provisions of the Spanish government’s current legislation on scholarships and grants.
All applications are processed by the Academic Management Service.
Types of financial support for postgraduate studies:
General documentation
At Abat Oliba CEU University we offer all our students the possibility of applying for scholarships and financial support depending on their personal and financial circumstances and academic merits through our Scholarships Programme.
UAO CEU University, as a member of the Inter-University Council of Catalonia, supports people with disabilities through the UNIDISCAT project (University and Disability in Catalonia). Guide for Students with Disabilities at University.
For more information, please contact the Study Support Service by telephone at 93 254 09 00, or by email: [email protected]
UAO CEU is well aware of the difficulties involved in making sports activities compatible with university studies for top-level sportsmen and -women, and for this reason it we have established a programme to support high-performance university athletes.
The main objective of this programme is to ensure that the academic performance of these student athletes is not adversely affected by their sporting activity. This programme is aimed at undergraduate, graduate, master’s, and PhD students, and international students, at Abat Oliba CEU University.
Personalised support for all students who need accommodation.
The Information Service can guide and advise you on how to find accommodation that best suits your needs.
New students at Abat Oliba CEU University can apply for accommodation grants within the deadlines set out in the admissions calendar.
In the case of teachers, short-stay students, summer course students, international students and advanced course students, information can be requested about our selection of alternative accommodation, which includes hotels, shared flats or supervised private housing.
Types of grants for accommodation
General documentation
Information on the results of research activity is offered by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Research and the units it coordinates. More information.
Information on the academic results of official UAO CEU undergraduate and master’s degrees can be found in section 11 of the table of results indicators. A commentary and analysis of evolution in results for any given degree can be found in the respective Oversight Report. Information on indicators for the last closed year is always updated in December. The reason for this lapse is to allow time to compile, analyse and review all the information from the previous year, which ended in September.
Overall results
Undergraduate Students 2022-2023
Overall student satisfaction is 3.9 out of 5.
Satisfaction with the degree program is 4.3 out of 5.
Satisfaction with the faculty is 4.1 out of 5.
The intention to attend the same university again is 74.6%.
The intention to repeat the same studies is 87.6%.
Master´s Students 2022-2023
Overall student satisfaction is 4.1 out of 5.
Overall satisfaction with the degree program is 4.1 out of 5.
Overall satisfaction with the faculty is 4.2 out of 5.
The intention to attend the same university again is 87.5%.
The intention to repeat the same studies is 90.3%.
Abat Oliba CEU University is part of the San Pablo CEU University Foundation group of universities, and for strategic positioning and organisational reasons, it acts as a group and participates as such in all international and national rankings and league tables.
Times Higher Education has published the World University Ranking 2021, placing CEU Universities sixth among Spanish universities.
The UAO CEU has an Internship and Employment Service that, in addition to curricular and voluntary work placements, ensures students and graduates can enter the world of work. As such, students are informed of the job offers available at any given time and are offered advice on drawing up their CVs, interview techniques, etc.
The UAO CEU careers guidance service is made even more effective thanks to the collaboration agreement between the University and the SOC (Catalan Employment Service), the goal of which is to help students enter the jobs market through training in the professional tools and skills required.
The UAO CEU has its own Labour Observatory, created in 2009, which conducts research and analyses the evolution of the needs of the jobs market and its dysfunctions. It actively collaborates with other labour observatories and institutions and has a broad and longstanding track record of research that has given rise to the emerging research group EJES.
Furthermore, UAO CEU collaborates with AQU Catalunya on a three-yearly basis to carry out a survey on workplace insertion to find out, among other things, the time, quality and pathway of their insertion into the world of work, as well as the level of satisfaction with the education and training received.
Graduate employment rate according to the three-yearly workplace insertion survey by AQU Catalunya (Agency for Quality Assurance in the Catalan University System).
UAO CEU Programme |
Employment rate UAO CEU (AQU Survey, 2023) |
Business Area (Business Management/Marketing/Economics) |
95.8 % |
Law |
81.8 % |
Communication Area (Journalism/Advertising) |
89,1 % |
Early Childhood Education |
95,8 % |
Primary Education |
96,3 % |
Psychology |
81,7 % |
TOTAL Employability Rate UAO CEU | 89% |