At the Abat Oliba CEU University (UAO CEU) the Vice-Rectorate for International Relations and Research, which includes the Research Management Unit (UGI), the Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI), and the International Relations Service, is tasked with supporting the research of our teaching and research staff, and promoting and coordinating this research in line with the nature of the University, its specific aims and the demands that arise from the social context that surrounds it. This ensures that the UAO CEU has the necessary infrastructure to fulfil its essential objectives: improving the quality of scientific research of the teaching staff; cooperating with social entities and the productive sector through the joint development of research programs and projects that enable the transfer of knowledge; and improving the quality of teaching and student training.
To achieve these objectives the UAO CEU promotes in particular the internationalization of academic and research activity. The Vice-Rectorate of International Relations and Research therefore promotes the inclusion of overseas members and collaborators in our research groups; the development of research projects within the framework of international calls for proposals; the fostering of stays abroad for our teaching staff; and support for their participation in international conferences and the publication of their research results in international journals.
CEU data
Bellesguard Campus
Carrer de Bellesguard, 30
08022 Barcelona
Phone.: 93 254 09 00
Dr. Alessandro Mini
Vice-rector for International Relations
and Research
Phone.: 93 254 09 00
[email protected]
Ms. Núria Sabaté Mora
Phone.: 93 254 09 00 – Ext. 30972
[email protected]
Dr. Franciele Corti
Director of UGI/OTRI
Phone.: 93 254 09 00 - Ext. 30982
Telf.: 93 254 09 00 – Ext. 30917
[email protected]
[email protected]
UAO CEU has 6 research groups with a long-standing research trajectory. In 2021, five of them were recognized by the Government of Catalonia (SGR) as consolidated groups.
UAO CEU has six research groups with a long-standing research trajectory. In 2017, five of them were recognized by the Government of Catalonia (SGR) as consolidated groups, and one was recognized as a pre-consolidated group.
Title: Communication and Business in Emerging and Digitalized Futures
Resolution: 31.03.2023
File number: 2021 SGR 00897
Category: Consolidated
Internal project code: B324FP01
Coordinator: Dr. Swen Seebach
Dr. María del Rocío Bonilla Quijada
Dr. Alfonso Freire Sánchez
Dr. Ana Beriain Bañares
Dr. Jesús López González
Dr. María Victoria Mas
Dr. Eva Perea Muñoz
Dr. Juan Francisco Jiménez Jacinto
Dr. Jesús Montes Peral
Dr. Marta Gil Ibañez
Dr. Joan Ripoll Alcón
Dr. José Ignacio Castelló Ribera
Dr. Manel Domínguez Gómez
COMEMFUTURES will work inclusively and interdisciplinarily with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the sectors studied and their more efficient adaptation to a world that is changing particularly rapidly and deeply.
The purpose of this group is applied research in various business and communication environments, with the goal of understanding their functioning and contributing to the improvement of their practices. Of particular interest is the analysis of transformations brought about by digitalization processes and adaptation to a volatile, fast-paced, and disruptive world; the role of future imaginaries in planning, innovation, and communication processes; and the implications that certain social and moral values can have in both communication and business environments.
Title: Family, Education, and Inclusive School
Resolution: 31.03.2023
File number: 2021 SGR 00914
Category: Consolidated
Internal project code: B324FP05
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Marcin Kazmierczak
Dr. Laura Giordano
Dr. María Teresa Signes Signes
Dr. Laura Amado Luz
Dr. Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga y Salamanca
D.ª Clara Guilera Domingo
Dr. Cintia Carreira Zafra
Dr. Marta Oporto Alonso
Dr. Andrea de Carlos Buján
Dr. Franciele Corti
Dr. Marina Fernández Andújar
Dr. Sonia Jarque Fernández
Dr. Sergio Rodríguez López-Ros
Dr. Mar Álvarez Segura
Dr. Miguel Ángel Barbero Barrios
Dr. Vanesa Berlanga Silvente
Dr. Paloma Alonso Stuyck
The research group “Family, Education, and Inclusive School” (TRIVIUM) was created in 2011 and was recognized as an emerging group in 2014 (2014 SGR 1581) by the AGAUR agency (Government of Catalonia). Later, in the years 2018 (2017 SGR 808) and 2022 (2021 SGR 00914), the group was recognized as a consolidated group by the AGAUR agency (Government of Catalonia). The group arose from the interest of several professors at the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU to investigate the basic principles of interdisciplinary and cross-sectional work in education, as the backbone of educational work and the teaching-learning process.
The group’s areas of activity are framed within interdisciplinary fields, notably psychological intervention, school organization and management, and fostering resilience and other competencies, through a literary analysis aimed at this purpose. The research results, beyond being materialized in publications and conferences, are reflected in the editorial line of the scientific journal *Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education*, directed by the group’s coordinator and co-led by other members. These results also shape the content of various subjects taught in the UAO CEU Master’s Program in Humanistic and Social Studies—such as *Current Anthropological Issues*, *Current Social Issues*—and in the Bachelor's degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education—such as *Anthropology*, *Didactics of Axiological Literature*, *Children’s Literature and Encouraging Reading Habits*, *Psychology of Learning*.
For more detailed information about the group’s projects and activities, see the TRIVIUM blog
Title: Employability, Youth, and Social Exclusion
Resolution: 31.03.2023
File number:2021 SGR 00910
Internal project code: B324FP02
Coordinator: Dra. Carmen Parra Rodríguez
Dr. Javier Barraycoa Martínez
Dr. Carmen Parra Rodríguez
Dr. José Luís Ortuño Cámara (UOC)
Dr. Olga Lasaga Millet
Dr. Jorge Martínez Lucena
Dr. Anna Garriga Alsina
Dr. Adolfo Lucas Esteve
Dr. Francisco Villacampa Megía
Dr. Marc Giménez Bachmann
Dr. Marc Llabina Esteller
Dr. Andrea Pérez Suay
Dr. Elena Palomares Balaguer
The scientific activity of the "Employability, Youth, and Social Exclusion" (EJES) group stems from the merger of the research trajectories of the Labor Observatory—a Research Institute established by agreement of the UAO CEU Governing Board on June 30, 2009, as a multidisciplinary space focused on analyzing labor market dynamics and dysfunctions—and the Solidarity Economy Chair, whose purpose is to study, research, and promote the solidarity economy as a model of economic development based on respect for the individual, with a perspective of sustainable development and as a means of social cohesion.
The EJES group focuses its research on finding alternatives to overcome social exclusion and help young people enter the labor market. This work is carried out in collaboration with companies and third-sector organizations and is both national and international in scope, as most of the group's research involves foreign partners. The group's main research lines are:
- Developing training projects for integrating at-risk youth into emerging sectors.
- Analyzing the situation of youth and the labor market in various EU and non-EU countries.
- Proposing improvements for the employability of socially excluded youth and compiling best practices.
- Proposing solutions for the target group, specifically for the Mediterranean region, enhancing local economic sectors.
Among EJES’s most notable achievements is its participation in the European Erasmus+ project "OMEGA" (Opening more employment gates for art and music students; ref. 230426-EPP-1-2014-1-ES-EPPKA3-ECHE) from 2014 to 2016, and the development of a project funded by the Barcelona Provincial Council titled *Design and development of training, evaluation, accreditation, and certification for company tutors* from 2014 to 2016, which was chosen in 2018 as a strategic line by the CRUE employment group.
Title: Family Business and Entrepreneurship
File number:2021 SGR 00898
Internal project code: B324FP03
Coordinator: Dra. Carmen Ruiz Viñals
Dr. Juan Corona Ramón
Dr. Alfonso Freire Sánchez
Dr. Joaquín Solana Oliver
Dr. Enric Rello Condomines
D. Alexis Vegas Egea
Dr. Xileidys Parra (UPC)
D. Federico Briozzo
Dr. José Luis del Olmo Arriaga
Dr. Paula Bel Piñana
Dr. Iván Roa Perea
Dr. Carles Ruiz Gil
Dr. Rafael Torras Pastor
The "Family Business and Entrepreneurship" (GREFE) research group was founded in 2015 within the framework of the Family Business and Entrepreneurship Chair at UAO CEU (CEFYCE), created by Dr. Juan F. Corona Ramón, director of the Family Business Institute (IEFam). The CEFYCE Chair is one of the three founding chairs of UAO CEU, focusing on analyzing, researching, and teaching the realities and perspectives of Family Business and Entrepreneurship. This analysis is carried out from a multidisciplinary perspective, involving a comprehensive program of activities and research.
The research is organized within this Consolidated Multidisciplinary Group, recognized as such by the Government of Catalonia in 2017, and coordinated by the Chair’s Deputy Director, Dr. Carmen Ruiz-Viñals. The group studies the reality of family businesses, the true core of the economy, emphasizing complex issues related to their continuity: leadership, succession, communication, informed decision-making, age management, corporate responsibility, the role of women in family businesses, and storytelling in family business. Current research lines include:
- Decision-making based on information systems in Family Businesses.
- Leadership in Family Businesses.
- Culture and Values in Family Businesses.
- Corporate Responsibility.
- Storytelling in Family Business and Entrepreneurship.
- Female Entrepreneurship.
- The role of female executives in Family Businesses.
A research line directly related to Entrepreneurship is also being initiated, given the Chair's experience in organizing Entrepreneurship-related activities. Among the group's most notable achievements is securing funding from Obra Social "La Caixa" in 2016 (project "Information-driven decision-making in Spanish family businesses") and 2017 (project "Informed decisions in family businesses") to study decision-making models used by family businesses. The Family Business Institute also financed the first project to quantify the weight of family businesses in the Spanish economy in 2016, as part of the Network of Chairs coordinated by the Institute.
The group’s research has significant social impact, as it is directed towards family businesses, which represent 90% of public and private limited companies and account for 60% of gross value added and 70% of private-sector employment. Reflecting on various aspects that affect family businesses is therefore of great importance.
Title: Person and Personal Life
File number:2021 SGR 01435
Internal project code: B324FP04
Coordinator: Dr. Enrique Martínez García
Dr. Martín Federico Echavarría
Dr. Miguel Ángel Belmonte Sánchez
Dr. Alessandro Mini
Dr. Mariano Bártoli
Dr. Joan d’Àvila Juanola Cadena
Dr. Stefano Abbate
Dr. María Dolores Barroso López
Dr. Emilio Boronat Márquez
Dr. Arturo González de León Berini
Dr. Carmen Cortés Pacheco
Dr. Fernando De los Bueis Ordóñez
Dr. Patricia Messa Gaya
Dr. Teresa Pueyo Toquero
The "Person and Personal Life" (PROSOPON) research group was born from the research and teaching interests of several professors at Abat Oliba CEU University, who have been jointly studying the concept of "person" since 2003. This research has primarily been approached from a metaphysical perspective, under the light of Christian Philosophy, although other perspectives—psychological, legal, sociological, pedagogical—have been added, resulting in various converging lines of study.
PROSOPON was formally established in 2009 and was recognized as a consolidated research group (SGR) by AGAUR (Government of Catalonia) in 2013, with this recognition renewed in 2017. The PROSOPON group has signed collaboration agreements with several universities worldwide and has promoted various research projects, such as: "Person and Depersonalization in the Welfare Society" (2008-2009), "Person and Depersonalization: Educational Proposals" (2009-2011), "The Way and Tomb of Santiago: From History to the Hermeneutics of Faith" (2014-2016), "The Transformation of Personality by Religious Experience in the Light of Therese of Jesus and John of the Cross" (2015), and "Person, Human Nature, and Personal Life" (2011-2018). The group organizes an annual study seminar and a philosophical symposium in collaboration with the Santo Tomás Institute of Balmesiana.
A selection of publications from this research group can be found on the PROSOPON BLOG.
Dr. María Jesús Pesqueira Zamora
Dr. Ada Garriga Cots
Dr. Álvaro González-Juliana Muñoz
Dr. Luis Enrique Landauri Paredes
Dr. Carla Ballarín Pérez
Dr. María Verónica Vargas Celix
The research group “Rule of Law and Justice – IUSCEU” is dedicated to an in-depth analysis of the most relevant issues in Public Law, such as the connection between Law, Justice, and the Common Good, the Rule of Law, democracy, and fundamental rights, and due process. Its research addresses key aspects such as the principle of legality, effective judicial protection, justice, and natural law, always with an emphasis on the common good. The group members approach these topics from an integrative perspective across Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Procedural Law, Criminal Law, and Public International Law, providing an interdisciplinary approach that connects theory with practice.
With active participation in research projects and high-impact publications, and in collaboration with national and international institutions, IUSCEU seeks not only to contribute to the development of theoretical knowledge but also to influence the practice and application of Public Law.
UAO has research projects funded by various public and private organizations, both national and international:
Dr. Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias, Professor of Modern History at Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, leads the competitive and funded R&D&I project: “Borders of Catholicity. The Female Contribution to the Hispano-French Cultural Dialectic. 17th and 18th Centuries” (Knowledge Generation Call, reference PID2023-149144NB-100), granted to her as Principal Investigator by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities and European Union Funds, for the period 2023-2027.
The acronym FRANCESCA reflects the research group and team that constitutes this project, comprising professors and doctoral students from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, CSIC-Madrid, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, and Universitat Abat Oliba CEU.
The project will study, within the framework of the History of International Relations, cultural and political borders, Catholic renewal, tolerance, dissimulation, diplomacy, and the female contribution to the Hispano-French cultural dialectic from the Edict of Nantes (1598) to the fall of the Ancien Régime.
Risk Analysis in Cybersecurity (INCIBE Project):
Principal Investigator: Dr. Montserrat Guillén (UB)
Procurement Manager: Dr. Vanesa Berlanga (UAO)
Funding Agency: Ministry of Economy and Digital Transformation of Spain, National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), and the European Union (Next Generation) under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
Reference: C090/23
Type of call: competitive
Period: 2024-2025
This project aims to analyse cybersecurity risks using microdata and time series, generating automated reports and static and dynamic risk indicators. Additionally, methods will be developed to identify underreported incidents (underreporting) and population-level comparisons will be carried out based on various variables (group, type of incident, geographic area, etc.).
The project has a highly prestigious research team and its innovative approach is aimed at creating tools applicable to risk assessment in cybersecurity for citizens and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
This work significantly contributes to the modernization of cybersecurity strategies in Spain, addressing incident underreporting and proposing practical solutions for improving threat response systems.
The Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (UAO) has secured the tender to execute Work Package 5 (WP5), which focuses on dissemination and training activities. These activities include organizing conferences and workshops to extend the scope of the research, training citizens and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on cybersecurity and incidents. WP5 also includes the development of applicable guides and risk assessment tools in collaboration with INCIBE.
Light Recruitment and Female Participation: Moving Towards a Modern, Inclusive Defence Culture Among Young People
Principal Investigator: Dr. Vanesa Berlanga
Research Team: Sergio Rodríguez; Aquilino García
Funding Organization: Ministry of Defence of Spain
Reference: 131-192783
Type of Call: Competitive
Period: 2023-2024
National defence is an increasingly important topic in a complex geopolitical context. This study explores university students’ perceptions of light military recruitment and female participation in the Armed Forces, two key elements for modernizing defence policies in the 21st century.
The main objective is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptance of a non-mandatory recruitment model among young Spaniards, as well as to identify the factors that influence their willingness to participate in such a model. The study also analyses the perception of the importance of increasing women’s presence in the Armed Forces and how students believe this would impact the modernization and effectiveness of the defence system.
A custom survey has been designed and will be anonymously distributed among students from the CEU Universities Group.
Religious Discourse and the Management of Women's Emotions in Catalonia between the Baroque and Enlightenment (R&D Project)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Rosa Mª Alabrús Iglesias
Funding Agency: Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, the European Union, and the European Regional Development Fund: “A way of making Europe” and the State Research Agency. Knowledge Generation Program.
Reference: PGC2018-094899-B-C54
Type of call: competitive
Period: 2019-2022
This research project contributed to filling the historiographical gap regarding the understanding of women's emotions through a comparative discourse of various religious orders in Catalonia, Spain, France, Italy, and Portugal.
Today, the study of the history of emotions is emerging as a global and innovative field of research, applicable not only to gender studies but also to political, legal, social, and cultural thought.
The project, led by Dr. Alabrús, includes a group of researchers with national and international prestige.
Religiosity of Women in Modern Catalonia (I+D+i Project)
Principal Investigator: Dra. Rosa Mª Alabrús Iglesias
Funding Agency: Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness
Reference: HAR 2014-52434-C5-4-P
Type of Call: competitive
Period: 2014-2018
The competitive I+D+i project "Religiosity of Women in Modern Catalonia," reference HAR 2014-52434-C5-4-P, was awarded to Dr. Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias as Principal Investigator by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under the State Program for the Promotion of Scientific and Technical Research of Excellence.
This project contributed unpublished autobiographies and biographies of women noted for their exemplary lives and sanctity during the modern era.
The project, led by Dr. Alabrús, is coordinated with four Spanish universities and includes significant international university professors as part of the research team.
The project's objective is to develop pedagogical materials and design an online training program that provides corporate tutors with useful tools for carrying out their teaching and mentoring roles for student interns. This project is one of the strategic lines of CRUE Employment, and the course will be made available to all Spanish universities.
Publicly Funded Projects
The project's objective is to create a dictionary of competencies, a psychometric evaluation tool for assessing these competencies, and a model that links occupations, competency levels, and complementary training based on the RIASEC guidance model.
Privately Funded Projects
IV Call for Pre-Competitive Research Group Grants CEU - Banco Santander.
Internships in Companies: Enhancing the Employability of Students at Risk of Social Exclusion (FUSPBS-PPC22/2015).
Business Competitiveness and Internationalization in Spain: The Role of “Hidden Champions” and “Brand Champions” (FUSPBS-PPC23/2015).
The Response of Criminal Law to Conflicts in a Multicultural Society: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (FUSPBS-PPC24/2015).
School Failure, Resilience, and Basic Learning Processes Involved in Academic Performance: A Study of Their Relationship (FUSPBS-PPC25/2015).
II Call for Pre-Competitive Research Group Grants Universitat Abat Oliba CEU - Fundació Bancària “La Caixa”.
Design of a Multidimensional Ranking Classification Index for Spanish Universities.
Pedagogical and Didactic Application of the Knowledge and Virtues of Teachers in the Education Degrees at Universitat Abat Oliba CEU in Classrooms in the Third World.
The Authority of Knowledge: Sister Hipólita de Jesús, Catalan Biblical Scholar and Theologian in the Spanish Golden Age.
The Family as Protection and the Protection of the Family.
Informed decisions in familiy business.
“Citizenship as Restitution – European passports as redress for past injustice and opportunity for future migration”
Led by Reinhard Schweitzer (Department of Law and Political Science, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU), an international team including researchers from Austria, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Argentina will investigate the growing use of citizenship by EU Member States as a form of restitution.
For millions of people across the globe, this provides access to dual nationality and a European passport, which can serve as redress for past injustices, insurance against current uncertainties, and an opportunity for future migration. The project compares the cases of Austria and Spain, where recent legislation grants descendants of victims of former dictatorships privileged access to citizenship.
Project PID2023-152117NA-I00 funded by:
Among the activities included in the action program of the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures is the internationalization of research, especially to promote knowledge and understanding of the conditions that foster the rapprochement of cultures and the promotion of human rights.
Along this line, the UNESCO Chair in Peace, Solidarity and Intercultural Dialogue, which was created in 2017, will foster research work with the aim of analysing the added value of peace as the first pillar of the United Nations and one of UNESCO's main objectives. The positive notion of peace, which is connected to the promotion and protection of human rights and development, should become a living notion that can be used by the different agencies of the United Nations and its specialized organizations on the ground.
General objectives: contribution to the general development objectives taking into account social, economic and cultural progress
• To support the Action Program of the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures
• To analyse the peace programs carried out by United Nations entities
• To create networks and platforms based on multicultural programs with universities and civil society
• To support the Sustainable Development Goals
Specific objectives
• To design, implement and monitor actions on social, economic and cultural projects
• To implement educational programs to implement the principles of the Social Development Goals
• To promote the principles of the Peace Program through publications and participation in national and international events
• To promote peace through the creation of communication strategies and new technologies
Research on the United Nations Peace Agenda
Addressing the underlying causes of conflict is key to charting new perspectives for the United Nations Peace Agenda. This has been the ambition of a major research project initiated by UNESCO jointly with the Abat Oliba CEU University in Barcelona (Spain) since 2015 on the "Progress and Challenges for the Peace Agenda of United Nations entities 70 years after the creation of the United Nations: a reflection in the context of the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures". The aim of this research is to analyse how the United Nations system has contributed to the promotion of peace over the past seventy years.
So far, the project has brought together numerous UN agencies in two consultations, one in Geneva (June 2016) and the other in New York (December 2016), with the aim of analysing the UN system's contribution to the promotion of peace, focusing in particular on the past, present and future prospects of the UN Peace Agenda. The project has also created an Advisory Council made up of eminent academics and peace activists from around the world.
The project provides a valuable opportunity to evaluate the response of the United Nations to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a pillar of lasting peace while giving new impetus to the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures (2013-2022).
The EUFIS Chair, within the framework of the Jean Monnet activities of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission (EC), seeks to enhance the dissemination of knowledge about the European Union by promoting European studies both through teaching and research.
The main objective of the research, and one that will define the orientation and future development of the Chair's activities, will be Fiscal Integration in the European Union, and in greater detail, that of the Eurozone States.
The teaching, research and other activities will pursue three main objectives:
a) To provide university students with an in-depth knowledge of the European system.
b) To develop research projects that allow specialization in European studies.
c) To act as a vehicle for the transmission of knowledge about European integration to undergraduates, local and regional political actors and civil society in general.
The main objective of the EUFIS Chair is to promote the deepening of European studies carried out in the Spanish university system and, in particular, at the UAO CEU.
The Chair also aims to raise awareness of the particularities of the European integration process, the functioning of the European political and institutional system and its public policies among a population that is generally unfamiliar with these issues (undergraduates, local and regional political actors and civil society in general).
This project also seeks to be an instrument to spread a greater interest in Europe in society. Through classes, research, new teaching methods and scientific dissemination activities, the EUFIS Chair will attempt to stimulate a closer approach to the European Union and, therefore, contribute to strengthening the existence of a European identity.
The Chair will be made up of a director, Dr Juan Francisco Corona Ramón, Dr Miguel Ángel Medina Abellán and Professor Albert Guivernau Molina.
The activities that the Chair will carry out are of four types:
1) Strengthen and improve pre-existing teaching and develop new courses related to the European Union, which will be offered to students of various degrees and programs taught at the UAO CEU.
2) Introduce new learning methods in the ordinary teaching activities of the courses mentioned in the previous point: the use of virtual campuses and new technologies, the application of teaching innovation strategies, etc.
3) Create a context of research excellence related to the European Union in the University's teaching and research staff so that the UAO CEU becomes a centre of attraction for teachers, researchers and doctoral students interested in European studies.
4) Organize activities related to the European Union, such as conferences, seminars, talks and scientific dissemination activities aimed at undergraduates, local and regional political actors and civil society in general.
The subjects assigned to the Jean Monnet Chair in European Fiscal Integration are (in the language in which they are taught):
Geopolitics, understood in a broad sense like the concept of “World Studies” in Anglo-Saxon universities, contemplates as questions of analysis aspects related to the diversity of cultures and traditions, as well as religious diversity, geographical particularities and natural resources, the evolution of human beings, studied from anthropology, ethnology and sociology, and all the essential elements to explain the contrasts in cultures found in the origin of conflicts.
In recent years, the analysis of these issues has become one of the main subjects of research in disciplines such as cultural studies, geography, literature, history, economics, political science, ethnology and anthropology, which have identified in these disciplines the essential elements for the analysis of the contrast between cultures.
In short, the Chair is the nucleus of a space for reflection and activity in the various fields that surround us and that are enlightened by knowledge of the world. From this concept, it is possible to illustrate the enormous plurality of societies and cultures that exist on this planet, drawing conclusions aimed at improving their relations and interaction through a broad knowledge of them.
Antoni de Montserrat, who was born in Vic (Barcelona) in 1536 and died in Salsette (India) in 1600, was a Spanish Jesuit assigned to a Portuguese mission to Goa in India, from where he made many journeys throughout Central Asia and the Arabian Peninsula.
His character as a traveller and missionary was complemented by his activity in the fields of history and cartography. He used his time at the Court of the Mughal Emperor Akbar to gain his trust, which enabled him to join a mission to Afghanistan, where he gained an in-depth knowledge of Kashmir, the Himalayas and Tibet.
The result of this was his work Ambassador to the Court of the Great Mughal, which included his map of the Himalayas and the Indian subcontinent, which was so accurate that it remained valid even until the beginning of the 20th century.
Later, King Phillip II entrusted him with a mission to Ethiopia to support the missionary work that was attempting to bring Coptic Christianity closer to the Church of Rome. On this trip he was accompanied by Father Pedro Páez, who would later go down in history as the discoverer of the source of the Blue Nile.
On that voyage he was captured by slave traders, spending four years in prison in Yemen and several months serving as an oarsman on Turkish galleys. After being released by paying a ransom, he was able to return to Goa, dying nearby.
Antoni de Monserrat remained forgotten for several centuries, although today his figure has been fully recovered, highlighting the enormity of his missionary, historian and cartographic activity.
Dr Adriana Mutu, Collaborating Lecturer, Department of Communication
Dr Cintia Carreira Zafra, Collaborating Lecturer, Secretary of the Department of Education and Humanities
Dr Jorge Martínez Lucena, Associate Professor of Communication Theory and Anthropology
Dr Manel Domínguez Gómez, Director of Studies for the Degree in Journalism and Coordinator of the University Master's in Digital Communication and New Technologies, Department of Communication
Dr Miguel Ángel Belmonte, Professor of Political Science. Coordinator of the Master's in Humanistic and Social Studies, Abat Oliba CEU University
Dr Stefano Abbate, Director of Studies for the Degree in Political Science, Abat Oliba CEU University
Ada Garriga, External teaching collaborator. Department of Law and Political Science
Dr Carmen Parra Rodríguez. Full Professor of International Law. Chair Director: Chair in Solidarity Economy. Chair Director: UNESCO Chair in Peace, Solidarity and Intercultural Dialogue. Program Director / Coordinator: University Master's in Management and Communication of Social and Solidarity Entities
Juan Pablo Sanz Garcia, Press Office, Abat Oliba CEU University
Dr Luis Mariano Bártoli, Director of the Degree in Law
The Chair in World Studies seeks to promote the study, research and dissemination of multiple aspects that the knowledge of our world encompasses, fundamentally those related to geographical, political, social and cultural issues. Its purpose is to cover all activities related to geopolitics within the framework of the Abat Oliba CEU University.
To contribute to improving the comprehensive knowledge of the world geopolitical reality of university students and society in general through teaching, research and dissemination activities.
- Communication
- Knowledge
- Cooperation
- Culture
- Development
- Solidarity
Lines of research:
- Democracy on a global scale
- Hydropolitics
- Current dynamics of the international system
- International conflicts
Research seminars (annual): Water as a Global Geostrategic Factor
Conference 1: The Navy (5 November 2020)
Conference 2: Hydropolitics of the Himalayas
Conference 3: The Fight for the Arctic
Conference 4: Antarctica, The Great Unknown
Annual Congress
- Elcano and Magellan, forerunners of globalization
- Congress in roundtable format
- Includes call for papers
- Conference on the 'Black Legend', the figure of Carlos V
- Conference on Nuclear Deterrence and WMDs (Jeff Michaels)
- Debate on topical issues (one in December-January and another in May)
Participation in UAO CEU seminars and workshops
- Bellesguard Dialogues
- Summer courses
Activities within the framework of the subjects
At the same time, it will collaborate with the activities of the CEU Elcano International Chair.
The subjects assigned to the Chair in World Studies are (in the language in which they are taught):
The purpose of the Chair in Solidarity Economy (CSE) is to study, research and promote solidarity economy as a model of economic development based on respect for the individual with a sustainable development perspective and as a means of social cohesion.
The scope of action is the whole of Spain, although it signed agreements with other international, regional and local entities to carry out joint activities that serve to promote the implementation of solidarity economy in as many areas as possible.
The main objective is to deepen the study and research of solidarity economy and to promote activities for its development and application. The priority actions of the CSE are grouped into the following areas: Education, Studies and Research, and Raising Awareness.
The CSE has signed agreements with Ibero-American universities in Peru and Chile to educate entrepreneurs in solidarity economy.
The CSE contributes to education in the area through:
These programs are developed by Abat Oliba CEU University students through the "Solidarity Journalism" Award with the participation of entities and collaborators committed to educating in values:
Management team:
Advisory Board:
Networks to which it belongs:
Social Business City Barcelona. An international action program set up by Professor Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner, whose aim is to transform the social needs of Barcelona by promoting and supporting social entrepreneurship and social enterprises.
One of the CSE's main avenues of work is the training of professionals in social and solidarity economy through the different social, economic and legal areas related to its development and its impact on society. To this end, the CSE carries out the following activities:
International internship for authorities in terms of differential treatment models in a closed environment for adolescents serving a custodial sentence.
Inaugural Conference of the 12th Master's in Management and Communication of Social and Solidarity Entities, headed by Mr. Ignacio Parody, President of the Trinijove Foundation, titled: “Solidarity Economy in the 21st Century".
Talk by the No Somos Invisible Foundation: “What About Human Values?”.
Project start/end: 2014/2016
Program or initiative: Erasmus+
Project title: Opening More Employment Gates for Art and Music Students (OMEGA).
Umbrella organization: Yasar University
Participating organizations: Yasar University (Turkey); Cork Institute of Technology (Ireland); Ionian University (Greece); Izmir Foundation for Culture Arts and Education (Turkey); Conservatorio Statale di Musica “E.F. Dall’Abaco” (Italy); Fundació Privada Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (Barcelona);
UAO CEU project researchers: Carmen Parra Rodríguez and Olga Lasaga Millet
Overview: The OMEGA aims to increase the employability of art and music students by equipping musicians and artists with extra skills and competences.
Reference number: 553418-EPP-1-2014-1-ES-EPPJMO-PROJECT
Project start/end: 2016/2017
Program or initiative: University of the Pacific, Chile
Project title: Human Development and Social Economy Academic Nucleus. Faculty of Human Sciences and Education
Umbrella organization: Faculty of Human Sciences and Education, University of the Pacific, Chile
Collaborating Centres: Abat Oliba CEU University, Sembra, Promedu, Institute of Cartography Research and Training for Territorial Management (CIFOT), Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, National University of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina.
UAO CEU project researchers: Carmen Parra Rodríguez
Overview: The generation of knowledge regarding solidarity economy as an effective way of generating spaces for human and social development with an impact on a series of social and cultural benefits present in people's quality of life.
The Chair carries out its awareness-raising work by organizing numerous recreational, social and cultural activities to disseminate the solidarity economy throughout society.
Activities sponsored by the Chair in Solidarity Economy
In its 2017 edition, Cáritas Diocesana de Barcelona awarded its Honorary Distinction for the Best Social Content Master's Dissertation to José Miguel García Rivas for his work titled: “Manos Unidas. A Historical Analysis of the Entity and a Marketing Campaign”.
Ángel Herrera Oria Best Student Award was presented to Sara García Escribano, student of the University Master's in Management and Communication of Social and Solidarity Entities.
In its 2018 edition, Cáritas Diocesana de Barcelona awarded its Honorary Distinction for the Best Social Content Master's Dissertation to Laura Busto López for her work titled: “The Cooperative as an Asset to Conservation and Local Development”.
In its 2019 edition, Cáritas Diocesana de Barcelona awarded its Honorary Distinction for the Best Social Content Master's Dissertation to Sonia Guillera for her work titled: “Insertion Itineraries for People at Risk or in Situations of Social Exclusion”.
In its 2019 edition, Cáritas Diocesana de Barcelona awarded its Honorary Distinction for the Best Social Content Master's Dissertation to Eira Massip for the work titled: “Project to Create Municipal Insertion ARTAMI E.I. to Manage Public Dependency Care Services”.
Award for the "Vets for Africa" volunteering initiative.
ICUSTA awarded the international volunteering initiative in which teachers and students from the three CEU universities participated. The award-winning project was titled The "Vets for Africa" Mission in Malawi and was initiated in Kenya in 2011 with teachers and students from the CEU UCH together with other organizations. The Mission moved to Malawi in 2015 and although the initial project focused on veterinary medicine, it has been expanding its intervention with the aim of optimizing food resources to improve human nutrition and taking training as the backbone for development for the future. The UNESCO Chair in Peace, Solidarity and Intercultural Dialogue participates in the project, implementing the application of Sustainable Development Goals.
In its 2019 edition, Cáritas Diocesana de Barcelona awarded its Master's Social Content Dissertation Special Distinction to Xavier Porta for his project titled: “The Other Thing About Volunteering: A Study of the Concerns and Motivations of Young Volunteers in Today's Society”.
In its 2019 edition, Cáritas Diocesana de Barcelona awarded its Master's Social Content Dissertation Special Distinction to Xavier Porta for his project titled: “The Other Thing About Volunteering: A Study of the Concerns and Motivations of Young Volunteers in Today's Society”.
The aim of the Chair in Family Business and Business Creation is the analysis, research and teaching of the reality and perspectives of family businesses from all points of view considered relevant, developing training programs and research tasks that contribute to improving the training of students in this subject. Given its interdisciplinary nature, it can be taught in coordination with the curricula of Departments such as Business Administration and Management, Law, Economics and Psychology. In addition, all the processes necessary for the creation of businesses are studied: the business idea, market research, designing a business plan, etc., providing appropriate instruments to facilitate the development of entrepreneurship. The reality of the family business -the very heart of the economy- is also studied, placing emphasis on the most complex issues related to its continuity, the relationships between family and business, and future objectives such as professionalization and internationalization. The Chair is a full member of the Network of Family Business Chairs sponsored by the Institute of Family Business, which is currently considered the most important in the world and which has similar Chairs in 37 Spanish universities, enabling networking and the always necessary interaction between the world of business and universities.
The UAO CEU Chair in Family Business and Business Creation is coordinated by:
Since 16 January 2015, a group of professors who are members and collaborators of the Chair have been meeting to activate both the activities (seminars, conferences, meetings, workshops, afterworks, challenges, etc.) and research and publications in the two areas addressed by the Chair: 1) Family businesses and 2) Entrepreneurship.
To carry out the Chair's research, a consolidated research group recognized by the Generalitat of Catalonia has been set up.
The Chair in Family Business and Business Creation forms part of the Network of Family Business Chairs of the Institute of Family Business. The Chair's philosophy is “win-win”. We aim to identify various work areas in relation to family businesses and entrepreneurship in order to offer the Chair to people at the University as an academic umbrella. The aim is to coordinate the daily work from different multidisciplinary fields related to family businesses and entrepreneurship and to give it joint value. This multidisciplinary approach also seeks a diverse background of the members of the Chair, looking for specialists from different departments of the University and fostering joint work with other professionals from other universities and private companies. This gives us a more operational nature when proposing research projects linked to the business world.
1.- 11 December 2014, Barcelona, UAO CEU: Districte del Coneixement Networking Breakfast. Lecture by the Chair director Juan F. Corona titled “Internationalization of the Family Business”.
2.- 1st Cycle of “Family Business Meetings” Seminars:
19 February 2015: Seminar by the Codorniu Group president, Mar Raventós. The Family Protocol, the Key Element in the Success of the Family Business.
5 March 2015: Seminar by Nacho Calvo, Head of Organization and Development of the Cosentino Group. The Importance of the Training Policy in the Family Business: The Case of the IMPULSA Program.
3.- 6 March 2015: Presence of the Chair in Family Business and Business Creation in the Face-to-Face of the Cornellà Creació Fórum between Juan F. Corona and the journalist and assistant director of El Periódico, Olga Grau.
4.- 2nd Cycle of “Family Business Meetings” Seminars:
27 March 2015: 2nd Family Business Meeting: Antonio Gallardo, Vice-President of Almirall ProdesFarma. The Importance of Internationalization in the Family Business Strategy.
29 October 2015: Sergi Ferrer Salat, president of the Ferrer Group. The president of the Ferrer Group explained his concept of what 21st century philanthropy should be.
27 November 2015: 2nd Family Business Meeting: Joaquín Uriach. The Ability to Transform is Key to a Company's Sustainability.
29 June 2015: 1st Conference on Experiential Entrepreneurship. Participants included the founder of Circle Line, Marta Alonso; the founders of Sitka Capital, Miguel Lobón and Carlos Guerrero; the founder of, Álex Lorenzo; the fashion sector entrepreneur Nina Urgell; the CEO at Social Coin, the entrepreneur, businessman and start-up incubator manager Carlos Blanco; the social media manager at Sogues Comunication, Aretha Fusté; the director of Westinghouse Future Economy, Marc Vidal; and the director of Production and Development at Neuroelectrics, Guillem Mitjà.
29-30 June 2015: Summer Course on Experiential Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
13-14 July 2015: Participation in the 3rd CEU Emprende Summer Course ‘Entrepreneurship in the Classroom and Beyond’.
20 September 2016: Publication and public presentation of the “La Empresa Familiar en España" 2015 Report Published by the Institute of Family Business in collaboration with Banco Santander.
01 October 2015: Lecture titled ‘Cases of Entrepreneurship: Models of Success’. First-hand experiences of two young entrepreneurs who achieved success with their respective initiatives. The speakers were Oscar Pierre and Iris Sanmartín, founders, respectively, of Glovo App and FormalDocs.
09 November 2015: Lecture by Marc Muñoz, founder of Brodynt Global Services. Entrepreneurship is about taking control of one's life, according to the speaker.
11 December 2015: CSR roundtable "Good CSR Practices". Participants included the Cáritas Barcelona volunteer and Head of the Universitats amb Cor program, Fernando Porta; the director of Barcelona Sustainable Tourism, Joana Homs; HR director of the Clece Group, Rosa Llamas; and the director general of the Institut Cerdà, Carles Cabrera. The session was moderated by the Vice-Rector of Academic Organization at the UAO CEU, Eva Perea.
18 February 2016: Meetings with Young Entrepreneurs. Agustí Torelló. Spanish Wine Must Focus on Its Uniqueness and Not Be Guided So Much by Fashion.
30 March 2016: 1st Entrepreneurial Woman Workshop. The UAO CEU organized the 1st Entrepreneurial Woman Workshop to highlight the unique role women play in the business world. Participants included the founder and CEO of ‘Pop Places’, Karen Prats; the Head of eCommerce at Unpasomás, Beatriz de la Sotilla; and the founder and CEO of María Pascual, María Pascual. Presentation of the ENVISION platform, which, promoted by the Association of Organizations of Mediterranean Businesswomen, was set up with the aim of bringing together the women leaders of small- and medium-sized businesses and women entrepreneurs in Spain.
28 June 2016: 2nd Experiential Entrepreneurship Conference: Ideas That Create Business Models. The former marketing director of Correos, Pau Cubells, opened the 2nd Experiential Entrepreneurship Conference, which, organized by the Chair in Family Business and Business Creation, served as a prelude to the Summer Camp on Entrepreneurship, which was held throughout the week at the UAO CEU. Participants included the CEO of Waynabox, Pau Sendra; the CEO and founder of Sonarventures, Álvaro Cuesta; the CEO and founder of LetsGoi!, Yaiza Canosa; and the CEO and co-founder of Dietox, Virginie Roge.
28-30 June 2016: 2nd Summer Course on Experiential Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
15 December 2016: 2nd Entrepreneurial Woman Workshop. Participants included Natalia García, Executive Director of CREA HOUSE; Miriam Escrivà, CEO and founder of Miriam Escrivà Events; and Miriam Lao, co-founder and CEO of Ingenius.
3rd Family Business Meetings:
02 March 2017. “Promoting Entrepreneurship from the Family Business: The Case of Lanzadera”, by Javier Jiménez, Director General of LANZADERA.
31 March 2017. “Promoting Innovation from the Family Business”, by Aleix Pons, Director of Economy and Finances at COTEC.
17 March 2017: 4th Experiential Entrepreneurship Conference. Afternoon session (16:00-20:00) in which different entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship financiers explained their careers. Participants included Luis Crisenti, Socio Plana Abogados; Juan Prim, CEO and founder of Corre y Vuela; and Marc Vila, Senior Consultant at Business Angels Network Catalonia.
24 March 2017: Presentation of the Report on Family Businesses in Catalonia by Dr. Juan F. Corona and Dr. Fernando Álvarez. Network of Family Business Chairs. Family Businesses in Catalonia. The Catalan Association of Family Businesses, 2017.
26-30 June 2017: 2nd Edition of the CEU Emprende Summer Camp: Entrepreneurship. Following the success of the first edition of the summer camp organized by the Chair in Family Business and Business Creation in collaboration with CEU Emprende, this inter-CEU activity (as participants were from the USP CEU, the UCH CEU and the UAO CEU) was held in Valencia but organized by the Chair in Family Business and Business Creation in collaboration with CEU Emprende and the UCH CEU.
Entrepreneurs Club activities (mentored by Carmen Ruiz, Alexis Vegas and Ángel Pachón).
December 2016: 3-way Economics Debate.
28 February 2017: Afterwork.
26-27 April 2017: Barcelona Thinking Challenge.
10 February 2017: Signing of the UAO-UOC-Foment del Treball-Fepime Agreement.
01 October 2017: 3rd Entrepreneurial Woman Workshop. Participants included Patricia Pólvora, CEO of Teterum, and Geni Ramos, digital sector entrepreneur.
February 2018: Publication and public presentation of the “La Empresa Familiar en España" 2017 Report. Published by the Institute of Family Business in collaboration with Banco Santander.
21 March 2018: 4th Experiential Entrepreneurship Conference. Participants included Laura Fernández Giménez, CEO and co-founder of FutureFunded and Agustín Arga,
Entrepreneurs Club activities (mentored by Carmen Ruiz, Alexis Vegas and Ángel Pachón).
December 2017: 3-way Economics Debate.
18-19 April 2018 Barcelona Thinking Challenge. Challenge: Food Waste.
24 November 2018: 4th Entrepreneurial Woman Workshop. With the participation of Natalia Pujades, CEO at Scratch School, and Sara Werner, CEO at Cocunat.
12 December 2018: 2nd Afterwork in collaboration with the Entrepreneurs Club with the participation of CEO and founder of Reilón Wines and Laagam, Diego Arroyo, and CEO and founder of PartyAdvisor, Pol Domingo.
11 March 2019: 5th Experiential Entrepreneurship Conference. Participants included Adrián Lorenzo, CTO of Mr. Jeff; Toni Gómez, CEO of Wakko Comunicación; Antoni Abellán, CEO of Helion Technologies; and Agustín Arpa, CEO of Wana Group.
2015-2018: Presentations at the Family Business Congresses by Dr. Juan F. Corona:
21st National Family Business Congress. Committed to the Future. Valencia, 28, 29 and 30 October 2018.
20th National Family Business Congress. Celebrating History, Creating the Future. Toledo, 1, 2 and 3 October 2017.
18th National Family Business Congress. Growth and Job Creation. Bilbao, 25, 26 and 27 October 2015.
BCN Thinking Challenges:
6th Edition: (2017-2018 academic year). Challenge: Overcoming Food Waste.
5th Edition: (2016-2017 academic year). Challenge: Reducing Inequality in Cities.
4th Edition: (2015-2016 academic year). Challenge: Age Management in Businesses.
3rd Edition: (2014-2015 academic year). Challenge: Balancing School Performance in Spain.
2nd Edition: (2013-2014 academic year). Challenge: Integration of People with Disabilities in the Workplace.
1st Edition: (2012-2013 academic year). Challenge: Labour Integration of the Long-Term Unemployed.
1st Edition of the BCN Thinking Challenge (2012-2013 academic year): Labour Integration of the Long-Term Unemployed
In 2008 Spain was struck by a major economic crisis that resulted in thousands of people losing their jobs. A few years later, the situation worsened: With some 5 million unemployed across Spain and close to 900,000 in Catalonia alone, family dramas were our daily bread; the job placement system was insufficient, so that looking for work as an employee no longer seemed a good option.
By 2013 the situation of the long-term unemployed was especially severe because of their many family burdens (spouse, children, elderly dependents, etc.). The members of the Entrepreneurs Club, aware of this situation, decided to do something in order to help solve the problem. This is how the 1st Edition of the BCN Thinking Challenge was born.
The aim of the first edition was to organize a hackathon day, a working day in which students and experts in the field met with the dual purpose of carrying out projects and learning during the process.
2nd Edition of the BCN Thinking Challenge Edition: (2013-2014 academic year): Integration of People with Disabilities in the Workplace
In the 2nd Edition of the BCN Thinking Challenge, people with disabilities were the focus of attention. The aim of the workshop was to draw up a business plan with the aim of providing solutions so that this group can find professional opportunities suited to their abilities. Six groups were created of eight to nine participants among which was at least one professional and one person with a specific disability. The groups were organized this way to achieve a wide diversity in the projects so that each team had to work around a specific situation and their proposals focused on the disability of the disabled person in the group.
This edition had the support of different associations that work directly with this collective, such as Cáritas, Once and AIJEC. It also had the institutional support of the European Parliament, which is committed to equal rights and opportunities for disabled people and their integration into society. This support was expressed in a letter from the then President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, who announced: "It is a great honour to grant the high Patronage of the European Parliament to this initiative".
It is worth highlighting the Prize for the Best Entrepreneur of the Challenge, which was awarded to Àlex Romera, a student at the Pompeu Fabra University who attended the workshop with his guide dog, as Àlex is blind.
3rd Edition of the BCN Thinking Challenge (2014-2015 academic year): Balancing School Performance in Spain
In Spain, school failure has always been a pending issue in the field of education. This is reflected in the data collected by the INE: in 2014 the education/training dropout rate was 18.1% among women and 25.6% among men, with the European average being 9.6% and 12.8%, respectively. Although these rates had been on a downward trend over the preceding few years, they were still very high and it was therefore decided that this was an issue that needed to be addressed. In this edition, in addition to having professionals from the sector, the groups also included a group of professionals from different schools in Barcelona who advised the participants on the subject. The aim of this meeting was to devise a business project that would contribute to improving the education system and correct the high rates of school failure in Spain.
Of the seven proposals, the team that created LINK was the one that best responded to the challenge posed in this third edition. The group, who had the support of a teacher from Escola Pineda, presented their project, which was based on identifying the causes of school dropout in order to "redirect the pupil who is on the verge of school failure".
4th Edition of the BCN Thinking Challenge (2015-2016 academic year): Age Management in Businesses
This edition posed the challenge of reconciling the different generations that coexist in the workplace and promoting intergenerational harmony, which has a positive impact on the work environment. The aim was to formulate entrepreneurial projects that would facilitate the integration of older people who have extensive professional experience with younger generations entering the world of work.
Projects were encouraged to include strategies such as mentoring of older workers, looking for work later on in one's career, and the integration of new work methods. The latter was an innovative element that the Entrepreneurs Club wanted to teach the participants and was achieved through "retro-mentoring", which is a practice that is still not very widespread that is based on the transfer of knowledge from the younger generations upwards. By applying both techniques, both generations can be brought together through a circle of mutual training.
The project that best responded to the challenge of intergenerational reconciliation was Jubbin. Its proposal was based on bringing together the experience of older workers with the commitment and initiative of young entrepreneurs at the start of their professional careers. This was achieved through a digital support platform designed to implement a progressive generational replacement model and to address the "business fear of inexperience" .
This edition can be considered the first to have an international character, as we enjoyed the participation of exchange students, both from the ERASMUS program and students from other programs from Miami University, among others.
5th Edition of the BCN Thinking Challenge (2016-2017 academic year): Reducing Inequality in Cities
The 5th edition holistically approached the reduction in inequalities through projects such as technology start-ups related to the Smart City that contribute to a more equitable redistribution of resources throughout the city's territory.
The objective was once again to formulate entrepreneurial projects that would facilitate the challenge of reducing inequality. Projects were encouraged to include strategies such as networking and to be innovative, value-generating projects. Projects that created new areas of centrality were valued. The project that best responded to the challenge of reducing inequality was the Plentiservice project, which consisted of a web platform designed to connect the urgent needs of individuals with the capital of resources and skills offered by unemployed people and at risk of exclusion.
The project focused on the neighbourhoods of Sant Andreu and La Sagrera because of their high unemployment rates. Plentiservice thus responded to the challenge posed in this edition of the BCN Thinking Challenge, which was to propose business models that have an impact on the reduction in inequality existing between the neighbourhoods of the city of Barcelona.
As part of the prize, the members enjoyed the support of the Atípics Project to develop their idea. Atípics is a youth entrepreneurship program that focuses on social impact projects. The jury of the 5th BCN Thinking Challenge was made up of the Head of the Càritas Universitats amb Cor program, Fernando Porta; the former executive of CaixaBank, Alberto Trallero; the director of Proximity Development at Barcelona Activa, Enric Miravitllas; the founder of UnCommon People and author of "365 Formas de Pedir Trabajo", Oscar Arenas; the doctor in Psychology, Joaquín Limonero; and the corporate director of Sales Marketing of the San Pablo CEU University Foundation, Javier Andreu.
6th Edition of the BCN Thinking Challenge (2017-18 academic year): Overcoming Food Waste
In this latest challenge, the business case worked on was how to overcome food waste. To guide them in the task, a team of advisors participated that included university professors and entrepreneurs such as the founder of Uli Uli BCN, Cristian Agudelo; the founder and CEO of AllanRay, Álex Bastarós; the international project manager of Doctor Fackoy, Ana Puig; and the founding CEO of Thunderglasses, Miriam Lao.
In this 6th edition, the jury was made up of the sustainability integration manager of Danone, Borja Lafuente; the operating director of Proximity Development at Barcelona Activa, Enric Miravitllas; the head of Barcelona Caritas Diocesana Universitats amb Cor, Fernando Porta; and the UAO CEU Rector, Eva Perea.
The project that best responded to the challenge posed was 2Help. The idea of 2Help was based on the marketing of those products that had been discarded for being misshapen but which, from a food point of view, were still nutritious. These products would have a second chance in the market but at a more affordable price for consumers with less purchasing power.
In addition to the prize for the best project, the organization also awarded a distinction to the best entrepreneur. The support of sponsoring and collaborating entities was again key in the BCN Thinking Challenge. CEU Emprende, Santander Universities, Masia Tero, Doctor Fackoy and Danone's ReNueva (a circular economy project to ensure a second life for packaging) contributed with their sponsorship. As collaborating institutions, the UAO CEU Chair in Family Business and Business Creation, Caritas Diocesana de Barcelona, Rockets, Hantön and Pangea lent their support. True to its philosophy, the BCN Thinking Challenge once again brought together universities, entrepreneurship and social sensitivity. Universities, because 6 centres were represented: in addition to students from our university, other participants included ESADE, Pompeu Fabra University, Teamlabs, Panamerican University and the San Pablo CEU University. And social entrepreneurship, because from the start, it has always chosen to present a business case related to a particular social problem.
Parra, X. Tort-Martorell, X., Ruiz-Viñals, C. and Álvarez-Gómez, F. (2019). Maturity Model for the Information-Driven SME, in the Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (in press).
Ruiz-Viñals, C. and Álvarez-Gómez, F. (2018). Ownership and the Desire for Continuity Over Time, the Principal “Drivers” of the Family Business Culture, in China-USA Business Review, Aug. 2018, Vol.17, No.8, pp. 419-437. ISSN 1537-1514.
Ruiz-Viñals, C. and Solana-Oliver, J. (2018). La Narrativa Empresarial como herramienta para explorar las complejidades de la realidad Directiva. El caso de Satya Nadella. In Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales. Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 157-165. ISSN: 2530-4909.
Parra, X., Tort-Martorell, X., Ruiz-Viñals, C., Álvarez-Gómez, F. (2017). CHROMA: A Maturity Model for the Information-Driven Decision-Making Process. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 16(3), pp. 224–242. ISSN/ISBN: 1462-4621. DOI: 10.1504/IJMDM.2017.085633. Decision Sciences (Miscellaneous): IF 0.233/Rank 36/55/ Q4 (Scopus).
Ruiz Viñals, C.; Perea Muñoz, E. and Berlanga Silvente, V. (2017). “Entrepreneurial Activities and Alternative Learning Spaces. Skills Development for a Hackaton Day”. Doxa Comunicación: Revista interdisciplinar de estudios de comunicación y ciencias sociales. San Pablo CEU University. Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences. ISSN/ISBN:1696-019X. Vol: 24. pp. 175-186. DOI: Sociology and Politics: IF/Rank/D (AGAUR- Carhus plus).
Ruiz Viñals, C. (2008) New Methods and Results in Measuring the Efficiency of EU Funds: the Spanish Case. Society and Economy, Vol.30, No. 2, December 2008: 245-259. (ISSN: 03085147). ISI. Impact index 1665. Publication position 33. No. of journals in the category: 209. SCOPUS. Impact index: 1777. Publication position 4. No. of journals in the category: 711.
Corona Ramón, Juan F. (Coord). Empresa familiar: análisis estratégico. Deusto, Barcelona. pp. 39-88. ISSN/ISBN 978-84-234-2749-9.
Ruiz Viñals, C. and Álvarez Gómez, F. (Coord.) (2016) Empresa Familiar Responsable. Barcelona: Huygens, 2016. ISBN: 978-84-15663-60-7.
Ruiz Viñals, C.; Parra Rodríguez C. (eds) (2013) New Forms of Organisation in Knowledge-Based Societies. London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-64014-5 (hbk). ISBN: 978-0-203-08287-4 (ebk).
Parra, C.; Ruiz, C. (eds) (2012) Instrumentos Solidarios en Tiempos de Crisis. Barcelona: Bosch Editor, 2012. (ISBN: 978-84-7698-642-4).
Book chapters:
Álvarez-Gómez, F. and Ruiz-Viñals, C. (2019) “Caracterización de la empresa familiar catalana y factores diferenciadores respecto a la empresa familiar en España” in GEDISA. Colección “Herramientas Universitarias”.
Solana Oliver, J., Ruiz-Viñals, C., Álvarez-Gómez, F. and Rello Condomnes, E. (2018). “La narrativa empresarial aplicada a la docencia de habilidades y valores: el caso de Sheryl Sandberg”. Signes, M.T., Carreira Zafra, C., Kazmierczak, M. El rol central de la narración en el contexto educativo. Diferentes perspectivas. Vigo: editorial del hispanismo, 2018. pp. 165-183. ISBN: 978-84-16187-53-9.
Álvarez-Gómez, F. and Ruiz-Viñals, C. (2018) “Characterization of the Catalan Family Business Sector and Differentiating Factors Regarding the Family Business in Spain”. Conference Proceedings, CUICIID 2018. ISBN978-84-09-04967-7.
Parra, C., Ruiz, C., Alvarez, F. (2017), “Análisis de la toma de decisiones basada en información en empresas familiares: conclusiones sobre la aplicación del modelo CHROMA”, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Congress of the European Academy of Management and Business Economics, Madrid, June.
Álvarez, F., Ruiz, C. (2017). “Modelos de empresa familiar”. Empresa familiar: análisis estratégico, Juan Corona (Coord.), Deusto, Barcelona. pp. 39-88. ISSN/ISBN 978-84-234-2749-9.
Álvarez, F. et al. (2017), “L’empresa familiar a Catalunya”, Associació Catalana de l’Empresa Familiar. ISBN 978-84617-8406-6.
Ruiz Viñals, C.; Perea Muñoz, E. and Berlanga Silvente, V. (2016). “Espacios alternativos de aprendizaje: el Barcelona Thinking Challenge” in Caldevilla Domínguez, D. Trabajos docentes para una Universidad de Calidad. McGraw-Hill. ISSN/ISBN: 9788448612672. pp. 773-781.
Corona, J. et al. (2016). “La Empresa Familiar en España-2015”, Instituto de la Empresa Familiar. ISBN 978-84-608-2119-9.
Ruiz Viñals, C. (2016) "Responsabilidad empresarial y Recursos Humanos: gestión responsable de las personas" in Ruiz Viñals, C. and Álvarez Gómez, F. (Coord.). Empresa Familiar Responsable. Barcelona: Huygens, 2016. pp. 85-99. ISBN:978-84-15663-60-7.
Ruiz Viñals, C. (2014). “Emprendimiento Social en España: una vertiente instrumental de la innovación social” in Parra, C. and Porta, F. Emprendeduría social: Alternativa sostenible para una nueva economía”. pp. 233-247. Barcelona: Bosch Editor. (ISBN: 978-84-942385-9-8).
Parra, C. (Eds). New Forms of Organisation in Knowledge-Based Societies. London: Routledge. pp. 5-16. ISBN: 978-0-415-64014-5 (hbk). ISBN: 978-0-203-08287-4 (ebk).
Fondevila-Gascón, J.F., Beriain-Bañares, A., del Olmo-Arriaga, J.L., Ruiz-Viñals, C. (2013). EDULEARN 13 Proceedings. pp. 3832-3839. ISBN. 978-84-616-3822-2. ISNN: 2340-1117.
Fondevila-Gascón, J.F., Beriain-Bañares, A., del Olmo-Arriaga, J.L., Carreras Alcalde, M., Sierra-Sánchez, J., Pesqueira-Zamora, M.J., Ruiz-Viñals, C. (2013). ICERI2013 Proceedings. pp. 3036-3044. ISBN. 978-84-616-3847-5. ISNN: 2340-1095.
Ruiz Viñals, C. (2012) “Las Micro-finanzas y su papel en la Emprendeduría en el caso Europeo” in Parra, C.; Ruiz, C. (Eds) Instrumentos Solidarios en tiempos de Crisis. Barcelona: Bosch Editor, 2012: 241-255. (ISBN: 978-84-7698-642-4)
The Gift & Task Chair in Bioethics and Law was created in November 2008 by means of an agreement signed between the Gift & Task Foundation and the Abat Oliba CEU University with the aim of promoting research into the legal implications of the biomedical sciences.
Its mission is to provide arguments for social debate that promote, in relation to the application of biotechnology, decision making based on respect for the dignity of the human person and that result in the construction of a fairer, more humane society in which science and technology exist at the service of the individual.
Science director: Prof. Dr. Carlos Pérez del Valle ([email protected]).
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Pablo Nuevo López ([email protected]).
The Gift & Task Chair in Bioethics and Law carries out the following lines of work:
- Science director: Prof. Dr. Carlos Pérez del Valle ([email protected]).
- Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Pablo Nuevo López ([email protected]).
The Gift & Task Chair in Bioethics and Law carries out the following lines of work:
- Research projects: the Chair professors and researchers take part in competitive and non-competitive research projects aimed at some of the Chair's specific areas. In cases where Chair members assume the role of principal investigators -and at least a third of the researchers are-, the project is considered to be the Chair's own.
- Doctoral theses: the Chair professors and researchers supervise doctoral theses on the Chair's lines of research.
- Master's and bachelor's degree final projects: the Chair professors and researchers supervise postgraduate master's final projects and bachelor's degree final projects on the Chair's lines of research.
- Reports and working papers: the Chair professors and researchers publish reports and working papers on subjects relevant to the Chair's lines of research.
Science director: Prof. Dr. Carlos Pérez del Valle ([email protected]).
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Pablo Nuevo López ([email protected]).
The Gift & Task Chair in Bioethics and Law carries out the following lines of work:
In carrying out the lines of work of the Gift & Task Chair in Bioethics and Law, the Chair convenes and organizes:
In particular, these lines of research are specified in the following study points:
The legal implications of neurological research on the brain, especially with regard to responsibility and culpability.
The concept of culpability is usually employed to designate the basic requirement of responsibility in law. In this respect, a deep reflection on the content of the concept is considered necessary: whether there is a distinction between moral and legal culpability; whether culpability is quantifiable; whether culpability should exclusively imply responsibility for an isolated act that is imputed or whether it also implies the imputation of the previous life (culpability for the conduct of life) or for the control of one's own character (culpability for character).
This reflection requires the consideration of these terms not only from a legal-criminal point of view but also from a jusphilosophical one. In this respect, the relevance that philosophy and moral theology have had for the legal concept of culpability cannot be ignored.
On the other hand, the presupposition of culpability is specific to modern criminal dogmatics, which has been based since at least the 19th century on these philosophical approaches.
The objectives are:
In contemporary pluralistic societies marked by what has been called "polytheism of values", we are paradoxically witnessing a process of increasing restriction of freedom of conscience (at least as far as the possibility of acting as a full citizen in accordance with one's own convictions is concerned). Indeed, the disappearance of a common "ethos" in society is leading to an increased intervention of authorities in areas hitherto left to social freedom, such as family life, issues related to the beginning and end of life, moral formation within the framework of the education system, etc. This condition is a particularly relevant indirect effect of the regulation of the applications of biomedical sciences.
On the other hand, to the extent that this common "ethos" has disappeared, and given that every society needs a shared moral code, the idea is taking shape that morality should be identified with the content of these regulations that impact on areas traditionally belonging to social freedom. However, insofar as these are the decision of a majority on issues that are widely debated in social life, there is a risk of imposing the opinion of a sector of society as common morality -legally enforceable-, with the consequent risk for the freedom of liberty.
The research project aims to prepare the theoretical bases of the legal protection of conscience within the content of pluralistic societies whose legislation (especially in issues related to the application of biomedical sciences) aims to maximize individual autonomy. Paradoxically, the regulatory protection of this way of understanding personal autonomy usually entails the restriction of the capacity to act in conscience of people and institutions that adhere to an objective conception of the human good.
The hypotheses to be confirmed are the following:
The CEU Elcano International Chair is an inter-university and international Chair in which the Abat Oliba CEU University participates together with the two other CEU universities thanks to the recent collaborative agreement signed in 2019 between the Ministry of Defence and the San Pablo-CEU University.
This Chair, which is open to society, will focus its work on the transmission, from a cross-cutting, multidimensional perspective, of Juan Sebastián Elcano's achievements and their implications in all areas: natural, historical, geographical, political, demographic, linguistic, human rights, etc.
Further information here.
The King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Professorship focuses on the study of Catalonia's relationship with the Monarchy throughout history. Within this field of general historical analysis, it pursues three objectives: to study the image of the Monarchy in Catalonia from the time of the Counts at the beginning of the 15th century to the present day; to contribute to a better understanding of the role of Catalonia in the reaffirmation of the Monarchy over time; and to strengthen the Catalonia-Spain-Europe-America interrelationship through the analysis of the transcendental function the Crown has had and still has in this articulation.
The invocation of the figure of King Martin the Humane by our university is no coincidence. Five centuries ago, the Court of Martin the Humane was located on the grounds of the current campus of our university, where he celebrated his marriage to Margarita de Prades. Martin the Humane was a key figure: the last king of the Catalan dynasty with his death, and through the Compromise of Caspe, Catalonia was incorporated, at the beginning of the 15th century, into the political trajectory of the Hispanic Monarchy and its contribution has been transcendental through to the culmination of our current constitutional Monarchy.
The period on which the Chair plans its study and activities, which spans more than 500 years, is structured into three main blocks: the end of the Catalan dynasty, from the Trastámara to the Habsburgs and from the Habsburgs to the Bourbons. In relation to this time frame and the objectives outlined above, cultural activities such as colloquia, conferences, seminars, book presentations and publications will be proposed in collaboration with other institutions with related interests.
Advisory board:
Collaborating open access or open edition journals and newspapers:
1- Xarxa Vives d´Universitats Forum 2019
3- International Roundtable programmed for 20 October 2021
5- Online Presentation Catalan Biographies. Plural Catalonia in Global Spain. 19 May 2022
7- BLAS DE LEZO Exhibition from 18/11/22 to 30/11/22
8 - Seminar History of Journalism 25/11/22 and 9/12/22
9 - Seminar History of Sailing - 40th ANNIVERSARY OF THE COPA DEL REY DE VELA_02/03/2023
11- International Workshop_13/04/23_The Role of Women and Their Projection in the Modern Era
12. King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona and Saint George 2023
15. TACITO-Book Presentation Precursors and Actors in the Transition 13 June at 12:00
17. Research on the Monarchy and the Army in Spain
18. ROUND TABLE: King Martin the Humane and His Era
21. Conference - The Assassination of General Prim: An Unsolved Enigma. UAO CEU, 12/12/24.
22. CONFERENCES and ROUND TABLE_Military History of Catalonia in the Modern Era_08/01/25_at 6:00 PM.
Four hundred years ago, Pope Gregory XV canonized 4 Spaniards and an Italian on 12 March 1622: Saint Isidore the Labourer, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Francis Xavier and Saint Philip Neri. This number of canonizations together represented the triumph of the Catholic Reformation and the peak of the universal Catholic Monarchy at that historic time.
2022 was a year of evocation of the historical commemorations of events of four centuries ago, which combined with the objectives of the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Chair.
The Chair therefore organized and was involved in several commemorative activities related to such significant events:
1) On 26 April 2022, at the Abat Oliba CEU University, the Teresa of Jesus International Seminar was organized on the fourth centenary of her canonization with the participation of renowned specialists who contributed to a review of her figure as a woman, as a nun, as a writer, as a founder and as a saint and the role of the monarchy in her elevation to altars, the proceedings of which will be published in the journal Teología Espiritual.
UAO International Seminar_Teresa of Jesus
2) Several members of the Chair participated in the global study of this historical moment in the collective work coordinated by E. Callado Estela, El Advenimiento de la Casa de Austria a los Reinos Hispánicos, Ed. Dykinson, 2021:
. Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias, “Ignacio de Loyola, la devotio moderna y la religiosidad femenina”, pp. 187-204.
. Javier Burrieza Sánchez: “La Compañía de Jesús, su expansión en España y los primeros Habsburgo”, pp.129-186.
. Emilio Callado Estela: “Santo Tomás de Villanueva, un obispo según el ideal de reforma católica”, pp. 103-128.
. Ricardo García Cárcel: “El mito comunero y la España que no pudo ser”, pp. 403-418, "Los años catalanes de Ignacio de Loyola" and “Hace 400 años” (La Tercera ABC, Thursday 30 June 2022).
Hace 400 años
3) As part of the promotion of the missions and commemoration of the creation of the Propaganda Fide Institution, Saint Francis Xavier was a reference point to follow. Therefore, several members of the Chair participated in the International Congress celebrated in Rome on 30 November and 1 and 2 December 2022:
1622. Ser universales en el mundo católico. Monarquías ibéricas y Papado, entre la gestión de lo sagrado, la santidad, las prácticas misioneras y la evangelización
Essere Universali nel mondo cattolico
4) Finally, the Chair was also involved in the memory of the death in 1622 of Francis of Sales and participated in the International Congress Francesco di Sales. Memoria ed eridità culturale 1622-2022 nel IV Centenario della morte, held in Turin 22-23 September 2022. Although his beatification and canonization came later (1662 and 1665, respectively), his personality and thoughts are key to following the influence of the Oratorian Saint Philip Neri. Sales was critical in the re-Catholization of France at the transition of the 16th and 17th centuries and in the detente of the international and geopolitical relations between Philip II of Spain and Henry IV of France. He received and explicit mission from Pope Clement VIII to reconvert and re-educate. His reputation as a mediator and his excellent ability to promote conversion peacefully and without open confrontation through his letters and works converted him into the patron saint of journalists.
Convegno Francisco di Sales_Turin
5) The King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Professorship commemorated the fortieth anniversary of the Copa del Rey de Vela with the seminar ‘Historia de la Vela. 40 aniversario de la Copa del Rey de Vela’. We looked back over four glorious decades (1982-2022), which made us understand the values and skills required for this sport: teamwork, initiative in the face of adversity, professionalism etc. The inauguration of these sporting competitions in 1982 coincided with the Football World Cup and the legislative elections that consolidated the Spanish transition towards democracy. All this contributed to giving the monarchy greater protection in Europe, opening a period of extraordinary image for Spain, which culminated with the Barcelona Olympic Games and the Seville Expo in 1992. The event featured presentations by Jesús Pérez Lago and Juan José Caballero (2 March 2023), authors of the book Copa del Rey. 40 aniversario, Real Club Náutico de Palma de Mallorca, 2022.
6) If 2022 was the fourth centenary of the canonization of Teresa of Jesus, 2023 has continued to be a year of commemorations dedicated to the saint. Several members of the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Professorship participated in the Teresa of Jesus International Congress: Spirit and Letter of a Legacy held in Salamanca and Alba de Tormes on 23, 24 and 25 March 2023, contributing to reviewing her memory as a woman and a saint, the role of the monarchy in her elevation to the altars, and the projection of Teresianism in Catalonia.
7) The King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Professorship at the Abat Oliba CEU University promoted the seminar titled “ Familias y Monarquía. Antonio y Claudio López, marqueses de Comillas, en la transición del s. XIX al XX ” (16/03/2023). The seminar, given by lecturer Óscar Uceda, focused mainly on the study of the little known but important personality of Claudio López Bru, second Marquis of Comillas (1853-1925), starting from the different aspects as a Catalan businessman (son of Antonio López), his political vocation as a statesman -supporting the monarchy of Alfonso XIII in difficult moments-, his role of “benefactor” with extraordinary social sensitivity in an era of great worker-business conflict (coinciding with the attacks by Cánovas, Canalejas and Dato), seeking to harmonize the existing social antagonisms through the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, and how his figure has been promoted to beatification.
8) As part of the cultural activities of the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Chair, the significance of the House of Alba, in particular Jacobo Fitz James Stuart y Falcó throughout his trajectory in the first half of the 20th century, was discussed in a lecture by the CSIC researcher, Enrique García Hernán (11/05/2023). The 17th Duke of Alba was a fascinating character because he lived through a turbulent period in the history of Spain (he was born in 1878) immediately after the Restoration of Alfonso XII, then the reign of Alfonso XIII, the Dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera, the Second Republic, the Civil War and Franco's regime until his death in 1953 at the age of 74. Many profiles of the Grand Duke stand out: that of his position as a nobleman with relationships that were typical of his status, the cultural activist as part of the so-called Hispanic Silver Age with his important role in the Academies of History and Language and in the Prado Museum, his facet of an Olympic sportsman as a polo-player, his role as an inveterate traveller who travelled all over the world, and especially his aspect as a monarchist and constitutionalist politician committed to the permanent idea of helping to resolve many issues of his time.
On the occasion of the first centenary of the start of the Dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera (1923), it has been considered of special interest to make known the figure of the Great Duke Jacobo becasue of his relationship with King Alfonso XIII, his role in the course of the government from 1923 to 1930 and his significance in Catalan politics through his relations with the Catalan Francesc Cambó, to the extent that the Grand Duke Jacobo advised him to convert the Lliga Regionalista into a national party without renouncing its Catalan identity. Both Cambó and Alba participated in the same cultural-political idea that they considered as the basis for national coexistence, in the words of García Hernán, author of the book "Jacobo. El Duque de Alba en la España de su Tiempo" (Ed. Cátedra, Historia. Serie Mayor, Madrid, 2023). In short, a character of decisive importance in the subsequent development of the history of Spain.
1. Seminar I: Humanism and Reform of the Church. Valencia Cathedral in the 16th Century.
2. International Congress: 4th Centenary of the Death of Philip III .
4. Between Europe and America: Inheritances, Transfers and Links .
5. Colloquium: From The Pulpit to The Public Square.
7. 6th International Meeting of Young Researchers, 17-19 March 2022 .
11. Studies on Nobility. Why Continue Studying the Nobility in the Modern Age?
14. Propaganda Fide Seminar 18 November 2022 Autonomous University of Barcelona
15. University of Mar del Plata November and December 2023
17. International Congress 23_25 May Geohistorical and Geopolitical Sources: Territory and Society in Time.
See link and registration for the presentation of papers:
18. International CHECLA-CHAC Seminar 2023-2024 Academic Year_Sorbonne University_ Acteurs de la Modernité Métiers, expertises et aspects socio-économiques Promotion sociale et mobilité Parcours de vie.
14 October, 2023: Parcours de vie. Expertise politique et financière.
18 November, 2023: Parcours de vie. Expertise politique et civile.
16 December, 2023: Promotion sociale et mobilité.
27 January, 2024: Journée Agrégation sur Les Comunidades de Castille. Guerre civile et restauration de l´ordre monarchique au XVIe siècle.
10 February, 2024: Life History and Civilian Expertise (Women Men?).
16 March, 2024: Promotion et déclassement: mobilité sociale urbaine.
Registration: consult PDF
19. 7th International Meeting of Young Researchers in Modern History: Between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Study Perspectives in Modern History_ 24- 26 April 2024
Registration to present and publish papers: Consult PDF
20. II Seminar The Cathedral in the 16th Century. Humanism and Reform. Cardenal Herrera CEU University and Ángel Ayala Institute of Humanities_9 and 10 November 2023
Consult PDF
21. Fonti per le storia europea (secoli XIII-XVII)_Scuola Internazionale di Studi Dottorali Università dell´Aquila_9 to 13 October 2023
Consult PDF
22. International Symposium_Letters Patent of Nobility at the End of the Ancien Régime_University of Navarra_ 23 and 24 October 2023
Consult PDF
23. International Congress_Cultural Exchanges at Court between the Iberian Peninsula and the Habsburg Netherlands 15th and 16 th Centuries_King Juan Carlos University Madrid_25 to 27 October 2023
Consult PDF
24. 5th Seminar _Women_Religion and Devotion in Modern Spain_Sources for Its Study_30 October 2023_online
Consult PDF
25. BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. DAY-TO-DAY LIFE OF DIPLOMATIC AGENTS IN EURPOEAN COURTS (15th-18th Centuries) _ 23 and 24 April 2024_Deadline for submission of proposals 21/01/2024
Consult PDF
26. Congresso di Storia della Corona de Aragón: «Monarchia e Regni. Processi di integrazione nella Corona de Aragón (secoli XIII-XVIII)»_4-8 ottobre 2024
Consult PDF
Registrations: Conference organized by the University of Cagliari, the University of Sassari, and the Institute of Mediterranean Europe History of the National Research Council. Registrations
27. Course on the Spiritual History of the West_ Spirit in Times of Crisis_ new edition 2024
Consult PDF
Spiritual History Program 2024
28. VII International Meeting of Young Researchers 2024
Consult PDF
29. VI Symposium of the Society of Christian Philosophers (SOFIC) for October 2024. Location: Universitat Abat Oliba CEU. Proposal deadline: June 30, 2024.
Consult PDF
30. The Chair of King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona, collaborates with the Modern History Area of the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona, the University of Girona, GEHMO (Western Mediterranean History Studies Group), ADHUC (Research Center, Theory, Gender, Sexuality), MICINN and AEI, European Union NextGenerationEU, Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan in the celebration of the Interdisciplinary Research Seminar “Feminine Forms of Living the Faith (16th-18th centuries)” to be held on April 18, 2024.
Consult PDF
31. Upcoming International History of Spain Conference September 5 and 6, 2024.
On September 5 and 6, 2024, the XIII International Conference on the History of Spain "Hispanic Worlds: Knowledge – Practices – Experiences" will be held, organized by the Foundation for the History of Spain in Argentina (FEH), to be conducted both in person and online (via Google Meet).
The meeting consists of different panels. In this call for participation, we invite all interested parties to collaborate with Panel 4: Conflict, Struggles, and Resistances: studying conflicts in the Hispanic monarchy (16th-19th centuries), coordinated by Ana M. Sixto Barcia (University of León - ULE) and Rubén Castro Redondo (University of Cantabria - UC). The meeting will be held in a hybrid format, both in person and online (Google Meet). The call for participation will be open from April 1, 2024, to May 31, 2024. Those who wish may publish their works in an international digital publication, as is customary for the organization of the meeting.
The objective of Panel 4 is broad, and the panel is open to communications addressing religious changes, legal reforms, political transformations, and cultural renewals, spaces that harbor social tensions… among others, so that all specialists addressing, in a broad sense, conflict and transgressions, as well as the modes of pressure exerted by power, can participate. Therefore, the session will observe the various forms that past societies adopted in response to a situation of force, imposition, and coercion, such as violent reactions (rebellions, revolutions, riots, etc.), subtler and less aggressive resistances, as well as negotiations.
For any questions, you can email Ana M. Sixto Barcia ([email protected]), Rubén Castro Redondo ([email protected]), or the general organization of the meeting ([email protected]).
For more information: [] (
32. International Congress “Letters from the Cloister. Written Culture of Religious Orders in the Spanish Monarchy (16th-18th centuries)”, CEU Cardenal Herrera and CEU Humanities Ángel Ayala, Valencia, July 10 and 11, 2024.
Consult PDF
33. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS: FAMILIES AND HISTORICAL CHANGE. Relational dynamics and social transformations. A global perspective, 13th-20th centuries
Albacete, May 7, 8, and 9, 2025
Faculty of Humanities of Albacete. UCLM
Thematic lines:
1. Sources, methods, and proposals for methodological renewal. Between interdisciplinarity and artificial intelligence.
2. Houses and homes. Economy, work, assets, and inheritances.
3. Marriages, unions: family relationships, alliances, and kinships.
4. Individual and collective trajectories: life course, generational changes, and social mobility.
5. Family, gender, ages, and inequalities.
6. Emotions, culture, values. Solidarities and daily life.
7. Conflicts, transgressions, disobediences.
8. Displacements: migrations, local communities, absences.
9. The family in teaching and dissemination. Transfer and didactics.
34. IV OP History Congress_ IV International Conference of the History of the Dominican Order in America & First International Meeting of OP Archivists in America (Mendoza, Argentina, May 28-30, 2025).
Deadline for submission of contribution proposals: September 15, 2024.
Consult PDF
Those interested in participating in the seminar must send the following information before October 31:
-Name and surname
-Institution of origin
-Title of the presentation
-Summary/abstract (400 words)
-Brief CV
Responsible organizers:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
36. Conference Series The Tercio of Barcelona in the Early Modern Era. CSIC History Institute / Barcelona Maritime Museum.
Dates: September 19-20, 2024
37. XII Martyrial Days UAO _ October 18-20, 2024
38. Conference on the Catalan 18th century _ October 17-18, 2024
39. XVIII Scientific Meeting of the FEHM (Spanish Foundation for Modern History) Other Views, Ferrol, June 11-13, 2025
For more information on meeting sections, proposal submissions, registration, venue, travel, and accommodations, please visit
You may also send your proposal and any questions to [email protected]
Organized by the HISTORICAL INSTITUTE OF THE HISPANIA PROVINCE_ ORDER OF PREACHERS and ATENEU UNIVERSITARI SANT PACIÀ DE BARCELONA, November 27, 2024. New Historiographical Trends for the Study of Religious Orders.
1. Learning and Research Resource Centre - University of Barcelona Reserve Library
2. Archive of the Crown of Aragon
3. EEHAR-CSIC (The Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome-Spanish National Research Council)
4. In the 2022-2023 academic year, the Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome-CSIC again offered the followers of the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Chair the possibility of participating in its online training seminars through the EEHAR-CSIC's YouTube channel. The first of these sessions was held on 6 October 2022 and explored the following theme: “Pedro Mártir de Anglería and His World: The Creation of a New Cultural and Political Language at the Service of the Monarchy of the Catholic Monarchs”. The coordination and scientific direction was carried out by Elena García (EEHAR-CSIC) and Isabella Iannuzzi (Pontificia Università Lateranense).
Further information
5. On 19 April 2023, the Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome-CSIC outlined how to work with the documentary collections of the New Spain and Holy See between 1532 and 1821. Further information
6. Digitalization of the ROYAL ACADEMY OF HISTORY COLLECTIONS. Further information
7. V INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR "HORIZONS OF HISTORY," May 10, 2024, University of Santiago de Compostela, as a training activity for master's and doctoral students at our current universities. Further information.
8. Research Training Seminar DOCUMENTARY COLLECTIONS ARCHIVE OF THE HOUSE OF ALBA_November 13-14, 2024. Learn more.
1) On June 12, 2023, at 12:30 pm, at the Curia Iuris of the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, María Asunción Villalba Olivella presented her doctoral thesis, "The Female Religious Assistance of the Daughters of Charity and the Military Hospital of Barcelona", directed by Dr. Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias from the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU. The thesis, evaluated as Outstanding, spans a historical journey from the 17th to the 20th century, tracing the origin and evolution of the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity, founded by Louise de Marillac and Saint Vincent de Paul, with support from Queens Anne of Austria, Infanta of Spain and Portugal and wife of Louis XIII of France, and Queen Marie Louise of Gonzaga of Poland, up to the Second Spanish Republic, Francoism, and the early years of the transition to democracy. A key aspect of the research was the study of female assistance (early modern period) through to the professionalization of nursing (contemporary period) within the Military Hospitals of Spain, the Protectorate of Morocco, and Overseas (Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines…), with a notable presence of Catalan women.
2) On February 28, 2022, Pablo Javier Rodríguez Rodríguez presented his doctoral thesis at our Universitat Abat Oliba CEU: "Confessional Idealism and Political Projectism in the Autumn of the Empire (1598-1640)", directed by Dr. Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias.
The thesis committee, composed of Dr. Mariela Fargas Peñaroya (Associate Professor of Modern History at the University of Barcelona), Dr. Mª Ángeles Pérez Samper (Professor of Modern History at the University of Barcelona), Dr. José Luis Betrán Moya (Professor of Modern History), Dr. Alejandro José Rodríguez de la Peña (Professor of Medieval History at the CEU San Pablo University of Madrid), and chaired by Dr. Roberto Fernández Díaz (Professor at the University of Lleida and former President of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities, CRUE), awarded the thesis the highest distinction of "Excellent Cum Laude" unanimously, with a proposal for the Extraordinary Award.
This thesis focused on the historical analysis of Spanish political thought in the 16th and 17th centuries. It examines in depth the process of constructing the Monarchy of Modern Spain and the political ideological discourse during the years of absolutism and providentialism, as well as in the context of decline, with the emergence of political pragmatism. It addresses issues related to the Habsburg period, which the thesis director, Dr. Alabrús, explored in her doctoral thesis on a later period, examining political thought and opinion in Bourbon Spain.
3) The KING MARTIN THE HUMANE, COUNT OF BARCELONA, PROFESSORSHIP announces the publication of the doctoral thesis of Ramón María Rodón Guinjoan (doctor from the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, with a doctoral thesis on the History of Political Thought, directed by Dr. Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias): Winter, Spring, and Autumn of Carlism (1939-1976), published by SCHEDAS, 2020. ISBN 978-84-16558-92-6. XVI International Luis Hernando de Larramendi Award. The publication of this extraordinary thesis (Cum Laude unanimously) by Dr. Ramón María Rodón Guinjoan was posthumous and represents the culmination of a lifetime dedicated to the legal profession and the study of political history in Catalonia and Spain during the 20th century, especially throughout Francoism and the transition to the democratic Constitution of 1978.
The King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Professorship has established a line of collaboration with the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona, as well as the Libraries of the Barcelona Bar Association and CRAI Fondo Antiguo of the University of Barcelona. As a first milestone, it helped promote the seminar titled "The Catalan Legal Allegations (17th-19 th Centuries). Documents to Discover Through Transversality", with the aim of promoting cultural transfer between the different institutions.
The seminar was held on the 2, 9, 16 and 23 March 2022, with the analysis of the collections of the Legal Allegations housed by the Libraries' Document Collections mentioned above.
The aim of the seminar was to provide lecturers and students from Catalan universities the resources to adequately interpret the Legal Allegations in modern Catalonia through lectures by leading experts in this documentation under the direction of Dr Marta Bueno, Dr Mariela Fargas and Dr Pedro Rueda.
The synergies established between the organizers of the seminar and the King Martin the Humane Chair led to the invitation of the students of Dr Rosa Mª Alabrús Iglesias of the Abat Oliba CEU University, Barcelona, to participate in this activity not only for their knowledge but also so that they can pass on this information.
In this respect, the work carried out by the law students Chiara Debernardi Sánchez and Álvaro Laborda De la Mata deserves special mention. The work carried out by these students includes two sections * (I):
-The first analyses the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), founded in 1833, whose building was designed by architect Lluís Domènec i Montaner. The Library contains 350,000 volumes and is home to the Legal Allegations Collection.
-The second provides an introduction to the problems of the Legal Allegations: concept and characteristics, composition and cataloguing, process and legal and historical transcendence and, finally, their difficulties and shortcomings, with a balance of conclusions that the students drew from their participation in this cultural experience provided by the ICAB.
The other work was carried out by Josep Lluís Escofet, David Pellisé and Ainoha Pineda and includes the concept, historical context, typology and the most outstanding personalities in the legal profession, with a description of the visit, a comment of the project carried out, and the conclusions * (II).
Looking for Ariadne's Thread: Historical Approach as a Fundamental Tool in Journalism Practice
The Vice-Rectorate for Institutional Relations and the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Chair, under the coordination of María Laura Giordano, Rosa Mª Alabrús Iglesias and Sergio Rodríguez López-Ros, promoted the 1st Seminar on the History of Journalism, titled "Looking for Ariadne's Thread: Historical Approach as a Fundamental Tool in Journalism Practice", which will take place on 25 November and 9 December in the Main lecture Hall from 10:00 onwards.
Lectures will also be given by Xavier Boltaina Bosch and Eduardo Martín de Pozuelo.
Xavier Boltaina is a lecturer in Administrative Law at the University of Barcelona and an expert in Employment Law, current Asia issues and the history of genocides.
Eduardo Martín de Pozuelo is a pioneer of investigative journalism in Spain with awards such as the Ortega y Gasset, City of Barcelona, Human Rights, Queen Sofía and the International King of Spain awards.
The event will be honoured with the presence of the Honorable Consul of Israel in Catalonia, Yosef David Sánchez-Molina Rubin.
Several members of the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Professorship (Joaquín Prats Cuevas, Roberto Fernández Díaz, Ricardo García Cárcel and Chair director, Rosa Mª Alabrús Iglesias) have collaborated in the chapter “Enseñanza de una Historia Científica para una Educación de Calidad” in the book Estudios en Homenaje al Profesor Ramón López Facal (coord. by C. J. Gómez Carrasco, X. M. Souto González and P. Miralles Martínez), Ed. Octaedro, Madrid, 2021, pp. 187-202.
Enseñanza de una Historia Científica para una Educación de CalidadIn the publication, the authors reflect on the teaching of history, highlighting how, since the end of the 1960s and the 1970s, the first outstanding teaching innovations in the subject were made, both in terms of content and the acquisition of competences and skills. For decades now in Spain, school curricula have not included a memorized history of dates and battles, but rather a history of the major periods or the main historical events.
They recommend avoiding ideologism, Manachaeism, presentism, identitarianism, the justification of political positions or simply a banal view far removed from what is currently understood as historical science. And this task, history, has to be carried out through the systematic comparison of diverse realities in different human formations in order to be able to build theoretical hypotheses that, through the comparison of successive verifying monographs, enables the gradual construction of a general theory of the future of human beings as a collective. This is why this subject absolutely needs a structural relationship with other disciplines.
History is also an intellectual training aimed at constant reasoning that allows us to understand social reality and the changes and continuities it has undergone and to have a perspective on the present that fosters the capacity for analysis, understanding and critical vision.
Salvador Claramunt was one of the first sponsors of the King Martin the Humane Professorship:
John Elliott, teacher and researcher
Fernando García de Cortázar, teacher and commentator on history:
The director of the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona, was invited to the 6th International Conference on “Women in History. Women and Religions”, which was aimed at Master's students and students of the History, Geography and Art History Doctoral Program at the University of Santiago de Compostela, to give the lecture: “The Ecclesiastical Discourse on Women. Sources and Methodology”, which was held on 14 October 2022.
Bruno Anatra (1937-2023), professor of Modern History at the Università degli Studi di Cagliari, recently passed away. Born in Tunis in 1937, this historian was particularly noted for being the best expert on the history of Sardinia within the framework of the history of the Spanish Monarchy in the 16th-17th centuries through the analysis of the projection of the Crown of Aragon in the Mediterranean. In this respect, he always stressed his willingness to criticize the negative image (The Black Legend ) the so-called Italian Romantic historians such as Boccalini and Tassoni gave to Spain. Bruno Anatra headed a generation of Italian Hispanists who specialized in Sardinia, such as G. Murgia, G. Tore and F. Manconi, all of them characterized by their defence of Spanish values in the struggle for hegemony in the Mediterranean. Anatra wrote several fundamental books on the history of Sardinia, including memoirs of Charles V (1974); Insula Christianorum (1997); Sardegna, Spagna e Stati Italiani nell´Età di Filippo II (1999); Instituzioni e Società de Sardegna nella Corona d´Aragone (2000); Sardegna, Spagna e Stati Italiani nell´Età di Carlo V (2001); Banditi e rebelli nella Sardegna di fine Seicenti (2002); and Sardegna, Spagna e Mediterraneo (2005). His contributions to the knowledge of the history of influence of the Spanish Monarchy in Italy were fundamental, as demonstrated by his many contributions to Spanish journals such as Afers, Áreas, Manuscrits and many others. as well as his participation in numerous Spanish university courses (Menéndez Pelayo International University, El Escorial etc.).
His name will always linked to the best of Italian Hispanism for his ability to articulate the role of the History of Catalonia within the framework of the History of Spain and the History of Italy.
Antonio Mestre Sanchís (1933-12/01/2023), doctor in History from the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome and Literary University of Valencia and professor in Modern History at the universities of Alicante and Valencia, recently passed away. From his doctoral thesis at the Pontifical Gregorian University (1966) “Enlightenment and Reform of the Church. Political-Religious Thought of Don Gregorio Mayans y Siscar (1699-1781)” to his second thesis “History, Codes of Law and Nationalism”, defended at the University of Valencia in 1970, Antonio Mestre became the father and teacher of Catalan, Aragonese and Valencian historians who study Habsburg and Bourbon political, social and religious thought and the Monarchy in the transition of the 17th and 18th centuries, and especially of Enlightenment thought. The author of more than 60 books, he was awarded the Menéndez y Pelayo National Prize for History Research, as well as the High Distinction of the Generalitat of Valencia for Cultural Merit. He was also a Corresponding Academic of the Royal Academy of History and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Barcelona.
We, the members of the King Martin the Humane Chair, would like to pay tribute to his memory and thank him for his support, generosity and wisdom and to fondly remember how he supported us not only in our publications and teaching but also in various colloquia and seminars at the CEU Cardenal Herrera CEU University in Valencia and the Abat Oliba CEU University in Barcelona, including the presentation of the book La Memoria Escrita de los Dominicos (coordinated by Rosa Alabrús) (Ed. Arpegio, 2012) at the 4th Conference Valencians in the History of the Church (Emilio Callado coord.), held at the Cardenal Herrera CEU University in Valencia (17 May 2012). Vicente Navarro de Luján, Director of Cultural and Social Projection at the Cardenal Herrera CEU University, Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias of the Abat Oliba CEU University, and Antonio Mestre Sanchis of the University of Valencia took part in the book presentation.
It is also worth highlighting his participation as a protagonist of the Conference "De Rebus Ecclesiae. Aspects of Ecclesiastical Historiography on the 18 th Century. Homage to Professor Antonio Mestre (Emilio Callado coord.)", held at the Cardenal Herrera CEU University in Valencia in December 2016, with him as the teacher of several generations of historians. The result of the conference was the joint publication (coordinated by E. Callado and in collaboration with several members of the King Martin the Humane Chair at the Abat Oliba CEU University) published by the Institució Alfons el Magnànim of Valencia in 2017.
The Royal Family has recently awarded the 5th Edition of the History of the Orders Award to Giovanni Mutto , illustrious professor of Modern History at the University of Naples. The Italian professor has published a number of books especially aimed at understanding the social problems in the south of Italy, especially in Spanish Naples during the time of the Habsburgs.
Mutto belongs to that great generation of Italian Hispanists who continue and deepen the work of those pioneering Hispanists such as Arturo Farinelli and Benedetto Croce. The current Hispanism that Giovanni Mutto represents so well has sought and achieved the objectives of leaving the exclusive framework of philology to take on the challenges of political and social history, breaking the old myths of the Black Legend about Spanish domination in Italy and highlighting the transcendency of Modern History studies to understand the current dialectic of the relationships of the Spanish Monarchy with Italy. The Award not only recognizes the contributions of the work of the Italian historian, but also helps to promote the interest in and the reassessment of Modern History in Spain, cultivating many historical links that unite the Spanish Monarchy with the neighbouring Mediterranean country, especially in modern times.
Biographical Dictionary of Women (Xarxa Vives d'Universitats)
Biographical Dictionary of the Royal Academy of History
Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias, Letra Global, 28/11/2021
Philip V, The War of Succession and Cinema
The War of Succession has not received the cinematic repercussion that it doubtlessly deserves. It is a central theme in the history of Spain, and in the history of Catalonia in particular, when it was debated which dynasty should succeed Charles II: the Habsburgs, who had reigned in Spain since the beginning of the 16th century, or the Bourbons, at the time possibly the most powerful dynasty in Europe.
In short, a war of succession in which not only the Spanish monarchy was at stake regarding which king would reign but also the future political and socioeconomic model (Habsburgism-Bourbonism). A fascinating problem with the added bonus of its international projection, since half of Europe was involved, whether in favour of the Habsburgs or the Bourbons.
Films such as La Princesa de los Ursinos (Luís Lucía, 1947), Rosa de Francia (Gordon Wiles, 1935), and Cambio de Reinas (Marc Dugain, 2017) deal well with the question of succession to the Spanish throne and the consequent family and political intrigues of the two opposing European dynasties. The article is intended as a pedagogical exercise to better understand the diplomacy and opinion of the time in the context of a civil and, at the same time, international war.
Seventy Years of the Reign of Elizabeth II in Great Britain
The Catalan Years of Ignatius of Loyola
During the second semester of the 2021-2022 academic year, the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Chair also carried research on History and Literature. In this respect, the participation of the Abat Oliba CEU University, through the King Martin the Humane Chair director in the Workshop “El Conflicte Interior. Una Mirada Subjectiva de les Experiències Femenines (XV-XVII)”, with unpublished texts written by women narrating their own perceptions of their consciences, was notable. The aim was to collaborate with the Seminar on Modern History organized by the University of Barcelona, in which prestigious experts took part.
Workshop “El Conflicte Interior”
It is also worth mentioning the collaboration of several members of the Chair in the program “Literatura y Poder. Cultura Escrita, Ideología y Control Social en la Edad Moderna”, which reflected on the importance of the written word as a way of promoting the image of the institutions of the Ancien Régime.
Colloquium “Literatura y Poder”
Open Edition
One of the procedures for the maximum dissemination of texts among the scientific community is undoubtedly Open Edition. That is why the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Chair director at the Abat Oliba CEU University, Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias, accepted the invitation to participate in the no. 15 issue of the journal Atlante. Revue D'études Romanes of the University of Lille, titled 15 | 2021 Imagen y Santidad entre el Mediterráneo y América Ibérica durante la Edad Moderna (Siglos XVI-XVIII) with the article: Ejemplaridad y Santidad Femenina en el Barroco Español y los Comienzos de la Ilustración. Entre la Emoción y la Razón [Full Text].
The issue of the journal, which has just been published, can be accessed online at:
Specialists in art and image in the modern era contributed to this issue.
The journal is open to the submission of research articles in the field of Human Sciences from the Late Middle Ages to the Contemporary World.
Prestigious historians, philologists and political scientists contributed to the monograph Imperios, Hegemonías y Comercio. 500 Años de la Primera Vuelta al Mundo, no. 927 July-August 2022, of ICE, Revista de Economía. Dr. Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga, Rector of the Abat Oliba CEU University, also contributed with the article “Como Entenderse en la Primera Vuelta al Mundo: Las Lenguas a Bordo y en Oriente”, in which he analyses the various languages used in this international enterprise (Latin for planning the project, Spanish as a common language among the crew, and Portuguese and Malay for the exchanges) as one of the fundamental keys to success.
The monograph is intended as a reflection on the First Round-the-World Tour, the first globalization and the role of the Spanish Monarchy in it.
Lecturer María Laura Giordano of the Abat Oliba CEU University has published the article "“Hijos de Dios” y Linaje del Rey" in Res Publica: Revista de las Ideas Políticas, vol 24, no. 2, 2021, pp. 121-138, based on the study of an unpublished sermon (¿c. 1580?) of the Baeza-born treatise writer Diego Pérez de Valdivia (1525-1589), one of the most brilliant disciples of Juan de Ávila, biblical scholar and professor of Sacred Scripture in Barcelona at the end of the 16th century. This work confirms Diego Pérez's loyalty to a Christianity with marked Pauline traits from which he extracts the theological bases (that of spiritual birth, “in primis”) to deconstruct the cleansing of blood. Another significant aspect of the distinguished theologian is that he wrote the sermon for the undecided, the doubtful or simply uneducated Catholics of his time.
To conclude the year of commemorations, several members of the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Chair participated in the 400 th anniversary of the multiple canonization in 1622 of four Spaniards (Saint Isidore the Labourer, Saint Teresa of Ávila, Saint Ignatius of Loyola and Saint Francis Xavier) and one Italian (Saint Philip Neri), which took place in Rome between 30 November and 2 December 2022. The event, organized by the Spanish Embassy to the Holy See, the Pontifical Lateran University and the Spanish School of History and Archaeology-CSIC in Rome, brought together prestigious world specialists in the History of Diplomacy and International Relations and the History of the Church. The international congress not only provided the latest developments on the triumph of the Catholic Reformation and the height of Philip IV's universal Catholic monarchy, but also aimed to reflect on the Church-State relationships throughout the Modern and Contemporary Ages.
The book La Corona en España. De los Reyes Godos a Felipe VI (La Esfera de los Libros and Fundación Villacisneros, 2022) analyses the historical trajectory of the Spanish monarchy. It reflects very well on the significance of the Crown in the political configuration of Spain as the foundation of the stability of the system. The work, coordinated by Manuel Campos Campayo and with a prologue by Benigno Pendás, includes contributions from leading Spanish historians and lawyers such as Rafael Sánchez Saus, Alfredo Floristán, Feliciano Barrios, and Teresa Nava, among others, as well as several authors linked to the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Chair of the Abat Oliba CEU University, such as María de los Ángeles Pérez Samper and Manuel Moreno Alonso and is presented by Ricardo García Cárcel, who is also a member of the aforementioned Chair.
La Corona en España: De los reyes godos a Felipe VI
Sergio Rodríguez López-Ros, Vice-Rector of Institutional Relations at the Abat Oliba CEU University, has recently edited the work of Miguel de Molinos titled Cartas Para el Ejercicio de la Oración Mental (Herder, 2022). In it, he carries out a historical, philosophical and literary analysis of this text by Molinos in which he highlights the importance of the Spanish mystic and theologian, branded a quietist, at the end of the 17 th century. Likewise, Rodríguez López-Ros provides new details on the sources of Molinos' original thought regarding mental prayer, especially in the Roman period in which the Inquisition persecuted him for being heterodox. The publication of these letters is of enormous value because they had not been published since 1676.
Cartas Para el Ejercicio de la Oración Mental
Emilio Callado Estela, director of the Department of Political Sciences, Ethics and Sociology at the Cardenal Herrera CEU University, Valencia, and member of the Advisory Board of the King Martin the Humane Chair, has just published the book Tiempos de Reforma. Pensamiento y Religión en la Época de Carlos V (Dykinson, SL, 2022). The work has four parts in which he analyses the political thought of Emperor Charles V; ecclesiastical reform; the problem of the Dominicans and the recently created Society of Jesus and, finally, the dialectic of the Diocese of Valencia and political power throughout this period.
Other members of the Chair's Advisory Board (Manuel Alejandro Rodríguez de la Peña, Alfonso Esponera and Javier Burrieza) collaborate in this book, as well as a large group of specialists in the 15th and 16th centuries in which religion was a key reference point for politics in Spain and Europe: Pablo Pérez García, Victoriano Pastor Julián, Francisco Pons Fuster, Miguel Anxo Pena González, Marco Antonio Coronel Ramos, María de las Mercedes Delgado, Miguel Navarro Sorní, Pilar Valor Moncho, Vicente Pons Alós and María Luz Mandigorra Llavata.
Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias has coordinated the book La Realidad y la Imagen de las Mujeres en España y América (siglos XV-XVIII) (Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Colección Política y Sociedad, Madrid, 2022), ISBN: 978-84-259-1956-5. The history of women has an extraordinary projection in Spain since the 1970s. Since then, the concepts of space and time, women and family, domestic life, the private and the public, female practices and representations, ecclesiastical and literary discourses on women, their involvement in political life, and religiosity have been explored.
Today we are well aware of the importance women had in modern Spain, to the point that it is no accident that we speak of the the Golden Age of Women, which was certainly fundamental in the development of Hispanic culture. This Golden Age of Women left its mark. In the first decades of the 18 th century, a Benedictine friar such as Benito Jerónimo Feijóo would launch a defence of women that, a century later, Emilia Pardo Bazán would consider as her particular point of reference based on the Feijonian principle that “there is no inequality in the capacities of one sex or the other (…). Women are not inferior to men in knowledge".
2022 marked the fourth centenary of a deluge of canonizations promoted by Pope Gregory XV that impacted on the Spanish monarchy. At that singular historic moment, Teresa of Jesus, Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier, Isidore the Labourer and Philip Neri, the only non-Spaniard in the group, were raised to the altars.
Our aim in this book was threefold. Firstly, we sought to highlight the fact that women's religiosity had specific problems in moving towards the veneration of the altars. Only one saint (Teresa) featured among the five people elevated to sainthood in 1622. This led us to analyse which variables predetermined male and female sainthood.
Secondly, we were interested in carrying out a comparative study throughout the modern era in Spain and America to identify the common and differential social and cultural patterns between the Old and New Worlds. A large group of Spanish (Enrique García Hernán, Francisco Pons Fuster, Mª Ángeles Pérez Samper, Alfonso Esponera Cerdán, Javier Burrieza Sánchez and Ricardo García Cárcel) and Latin American historians (María Cristina Ríos Espinosa, María Luz González Mezquita, Constanza Cavallero and Alicia Fraschina), specialists in these subjects, were involved, with the collaboration of doctoral students (Vicente Lorente Pérez and Mª Asunción Villalba Olivella), to establish comparisons in the sublimation of models of female exemplarity in different territorial scenarios.
Finally, we sought to explore female religiosity in terms of its reality and its representation or construction by others, seeking at all times social differentiation, from the elitist world of queens to humble social profiles who found in convents refuge from family dramas, gender violence and alternatives to various problems. A kaleidoscope of situations in which the permanent protagonist is the woman in modern times linked to the religious world, moving between the ecclesiastical power of her hierarchies, confessors, spiritual advisors ... and the political power of the Crown.
Sergio Rodríguez López-Ros, Cien Años de Villa Bennicelli-Frontoni. Sede del Instituto Cervantes en Roma, Madrid, Ed. Sílex, 2022, 98 pages. The Villa Bennicelli-Frontoni, the current headquarters of the Cervantes Institute in Rome, has been the subject of an excellent monographic study by Sergio Rodríguez López-Ros, Vice-Rector of the Abat Oliba CEU University in Barcelona. The starting point of this book is the author's own personal experience as director of the Cervantes Institute in Roma from 2012 to 2017. This professional experience led him to investigate the historical trajectory of this singular residence, which takes its name from the Counts Alfredo Bennicelli and Alessandro Frontoni. This space, linked to Spain since 1947, was the headquarters of the Spanish Institute of Language and Literature and the Spanish National Research Council in Rome until 1984, when it became the headquarters of the Cervantes Institute, inaugurated by Carmen Alborch in 1992. The cultural activity carried out within the framework of the Villa Bennicelli-Frontoni headquarters is reflected well in the book.
Daniel Arasa (coord.), Cine y Familia. Descubrir los Valores a través de las Películas de Nuestra Vida, Cordoba, Ed. Sekotia, 2023, 320 pages.
Daniel Arasa, member of the advisory board of the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Chair has directed a collective work of 15 authors titled Cine y Familia (ed. Sekotia, Grupo Almuzara), which, through the history of cinema, magnificently explores the capacity of films and series over time to connect with family values and reflect the roles of grandparents, parents, children, brothers and sisters within the family unit. In the book, cinema stands as a source of fundamental principles aimed at the happy consolidation of family life.
Daniel Arasa, head of the Cinemanet Association, has coordinated this singular work, which is a tribute to the family in itself and to the possibilities that cinema offers as a mediatic vehicle of family values in society as a whole.
Emilio Callado Estela (ed): Para Dios y los Hombres. Estudios en torno a San Luis Bertrán en el 350 Aniversario de su Canonización, Granada, Ed. Comares, 2023, 221 pages.
Emilio Callado Estela, professor at the Cardenal Herrera CEU University in Valencia, has edited a book by 11 authors about Saint Louis Bertrán (1526-1581) on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the elevation to the altars of this Valencian Dominican. The book has been written by leading historians with a great knowledge of the political and cultural problems of that time, some of them members of the advisory board of the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Chair. The book's co-authors are Alfonso Esponera, Francisco Pons Fuster, Dominik Jurczack, Henar Pizarro, Vicent Josep Escartí, Guillermo Nieva, Albert Ferrer, Inmaculada Rodríguez, Francisco de Paula Cots and Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias. This publication examines his biographical trajectory at the head of the convent of Preachers in Valencia, his ascetic profile, with no room for raptures or ecstasies, his relationship with Juan Tomás de Rocabertí, provincial of Aragon and Inquisitor General, his apostolic work in New Granada, the historiographical memory that has been constructed of him over time and the artistic expressions that led to his beatification and canonization. Particularly noteworthy is Rosa María Alabrús' study of the Dominican discourse in America in the 16th century and the comparative analysis of the work of Saint Louis Bertrán and of Leonor de Obando, both of whom coincided in promoting the Dominican cause in America and in guaranteeing the application of the Laws of the Indies favourable to the indigenous population.
A book, in short, that fills important gaps in the knowledge of a transcendental figure in our religious history, still little researched in many aspects of his life and work.
Next Wednesday 29/11/2023, at 12:30, there will be a presentation of the book, coordinated by Rosa María Alabrús, professor at the Abat Oliba CEU University, titled "La Realidad y la Imagen de las Mujeres en España y América (Siglos XV al XVIII)", published by the Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (CEPC), Madrid, 2022, as part of the 15th XV International Colloquium of European Historiography and the 12th Conference on Studies on Classical Modernity, to be held at the National University of Mar del Plata. Faculty of Humanities. Department of History. See program
The King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Chair has established a line of collaboration with the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona, as well as the Libraries of the Barcelona Bar Association and CRAI Fondo Antiguo of the University of Barcelona. As a first milestone, it helped promote the seminar titled "The Catalan Legal Allegations (17th-19th Centuries). Documents to Discover Through Transversality", with the aim of promoting cultural transfer between the different institutions.
The seminar was held on the 2, 9, 16 and 23 March 2022, with the analysis of the collections of the Legal Allegations housed by the Libraries' Document Collections mentioned above.
The aim of the seminar was to provide lecturers and students from Catalan universities the resources to adequately interpret the Legal Allegations in modern Catalonia through lectures by leading experts in this documentation under the direction of Dr Marta Bueno, Dr Mariela Fargas and Dr Pedro Rueda.
The synergies established between the organizers of the seminar and the King Martin the Humane Chair led to the invitation of the students of Dr Rosa Mª Alabrús Iglesias of the Abat Oliba CEU University, Barcelona, to participate in this activity not only for their knowledge but also so that they can pass on this information.
In this respect, the work carried out by the law students Chiara Debernardi Sánchez and Álvaro Laborda De la Mata deserves special mention. The work carried out by these students includes two sections * (I):
-The first analyses the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), founded in 1833, whose building was designed by architect Lluís Domènec i Montaner. The Library contains 350,000 volumes and is home to the Legal Allegations Collection.
-The second provides an introduction to the problems of the Legal Allegations: concept and characteristics, composition and cataloguing, process and legal and historical transcendence and, finally, their difficulties and shortcomings, with a balance of conclusions that the students drew from their participation in this cultural experience provided by the ICAB.
The other work was carried out by Josep Lluís Escofet, David Pellisé and Ainoha Pineda and includes the concept, historical context, typology and the most outstanding personalities in the legal profession, with a description of the visit, a comment of the project carried out, and the conclusions * (II).
Looking for Ariadne's Thread: Historical Approach as a Fundamental Tool in Journalism Practice
The Vice-Rectorate for Institutional Relations and the King Martin the Humane, Count of Barcelona Chair, under the coordination of María Laura Giordano, Rosa Mª Alabrús Iglesias and Sergio Rodríguez López-Ros, promoted the 1st Seminar on the History of Journalism, titled "Looking for Ariadne's Thread: Historical Approach as a Fundamental Tool in Journalism Practice", which will take place on 25 November and 9 December in the Main lecture Hall from 10:00 onwards.
Lectures will also be given by Xavier Boltaina Bosch and Eduardo Martín de Pozuelo.
Xavier Boltaina is a lecturer in Administrative Law at the University of Barcelona and an expert in Employment Law, current Asia issues and the history of genocides.
Eduardo Martín de Pozuelo is a pioneer of investigative journalism in Spain with awards such as the Ortega y Gasset, City of Barcelona, Human Rights, Queen Sofía and the International King of Spain awards.
The event will be honoured with the presence of the Honorable Consul of Israel in Catalonia, Yosef David Sánchez-Molina Rubin.
With the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), universities are taking on the challenge of constantly analysing both the evolution of labour market needs and graduates’ assessment of the effectiveness of the education they receive in terms of their employability.
To this end, the Abat Oliba CEU University established the Labour Observatory on 30 June 2009, by agreement of the Governing Board, as a multidisciplinary research space focused on the analysis of labour market dynamics and its dysfunctions. This Research Institute is co-directed by Dr. Javier Barraycoa Martínez and Dr. Olga Lasaga Millet. It maintains close collaboration with other Labour Observatories and public and private institutions linked to the field of labour insertion and professional guidance.
The main objectives of the Labour Observatory are:
As a result of the extensive long-standing research work carried out by the Labour Observatory, the GRUPO PRECONSOLIDADO EJES has been established.
Contact address: [email protected]
Management team, collaborators, advisors and networks or organizations to which they belong.
Management team:
Dra. Olga Lasaga Millet
Dr. Javier Barraycoa Martínez
The Labour Observatory has a permanent alliance, through the EJES research group, with the Chair in Solidarity Economy. Approximately 50% of the research projects are presented and carried out jointly.
Collaborators from Spanish Universities:
Antoni Moreno (University of Barcelona)
Domingo Galiana (Miguel Hernández University)
Rafael Pelegrin (University of Granada)
Miguel Barberá (Fundació Universitat Empresa, University of Valencia)
Juan Carlos Marzo (Miguel Hernández University)
Amparo Ramos (Miguel Hernández University)
Javier Sierra (San Pablo CEU University)
Maria Fé Sánchez (UNED)
International collaborators:
Gökay Ozerim (Yasar University Izmir)
Dimitra Trypani (Ionian University)
Francesca Angrisano (Universidad Politécnica “Hochschule” Augsburg)
Gregory Makrides (University of Cyprus)
Roger Hessel (Regional Research Institute IRER of Lombardy)
Adilson Eduardo Guelfi (Unoeste, University of Western São Paulo)
Collaborating companies that have participated in research projects:
ABGL, Auditores
AGESA Consulting
Becerra Abogados
Enerside Energy
Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I
Industrias Murtra
Optima Patrimonios
Estrategy & Execution Partners
Talman Group
Adecco Professional
Escola Pia Sarria
Banco Santander
Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves, Pereira
Mercer Consulting
Mutua intercomarcal
Quiron Salut
Sony España
Networks or Organizations to which they belong:
CRUE Employment Sector Internship Subgroup as coordinators of the strategic line: “Recognition of entities and training of tutors”.
CRUE Employment Sector Guidance and Professional Skills Subgroup.
CRUE Employment Sector Labour Observatories Subgroup.
- Skills most in demand by employers in selection processes.
- Impact of international experience on graduate employability.
- Professional skills and social entrepreneurship.
- Business internships as enhancers of employability.
- Solidarity economy and employability.
- Development of guidance models and strategies to improve the employability of young people regardless of their training and social situation.
- Skills training for company tutors.
- Employability studies for vulnerable groups.
- Labour market prospecting studies and appropriate training.
- Study of public employability policies in the European sphere.
- Project to create a framework for self-assessment by Spanish universities in improving their performance in the field of employment and employability.
- Company tutor manual. Development of online training for company tutors.
Reference number: BS16AR03
Project start and end: 2015/2018
Program or initiative: Call for applications for Santander - CEU Pre-competitive Research Group Grants
Project title: Internships in companies: Promoters of the labour insertion of students at risk of social exclusion.
Participating organizations: The Abat Oliba CEU University.
Project researchers: Javier Barraycoa, Olga Lasaga Millet, Carmen Parra Rodríguez and Alejandro Belmonte Díaz.
Summary: As a continuation of previous studies carried out by the Labour Observatory, this project aims to maintain a line of research started years ago with the intention of becoming a benchmark for quality in the field of business internships for students, paying special attention to the most disadvantaged sectors. Following this research, it is hoped to establish an overview of business internships that includes a new dimension focused on social insertion. This will allow progress in processes of protocolization and improvement of the training of company tutors.
Reference number: OBSLAB 2-2017
Project start and end: 2017/2019
Program or initiative: Employability, Youth and Social Exclusion (EJES).
Project title: The Professionalisation of a Vocation. The Case of the Arts.
Participating organizations: The Abat Oliba CEU University.
Project researchers: Javier Barraycoa, Olga Lasaga Millet, Carmen Parra Rodríguez and Alejandro Belmonte Díaz.
Summary: This initiative that was carried out after the implementation of the European project OMEGA (Open More Employment Gates for Arts and Music Students), with the aim of promoting the employment opportunities for arts graduates in Spain and the tools to carry out entrepreneurial projects. Within the framework of this project, it is planned to publish, in collaboration with the University of Granada, a book that will serve as a reference for providing training on entrepreneurship and employability to music and art students.
Reference number: 230426-EPP-1-2014-1-ES-EPPKA3-ECHE
Project start and end: 2014/2016
Program or initiative: Erasmus+.
Project title: Opening More Employment Gates for Art and Music Students (OMEGA).
Participating organizations: Yasar University (Türkiye); Cork Institute of Technology (Ireland); Ionian University (Greece); Izmir Foundation for Culture Arts and Education (Türkiye); State Conservatory of Music “E.F. Dall’Abaco” (Italy); Abat Oliba CEU University Private Foundation (Barcelona).
UAO CEU project researchers: Payam Gül Susanni and Paolo Susanni (Yaçar University), Erato Alakiozidou and Antonia Chantzi (Be Artive), Michael Joyce and Gabriela Mayer (CIT Cork School Of Music), Emin Bakay (EGECED), Dimitra Trypani and Jiannis Toulis (Ionian University), Hugh Ward-Perkins and Kathy-Ann Koralek (Conservatory “E. F. Dall'Abaco”- Verona), Carmen Parra Rodríguez and Olga Lasaga Millet (UAO CEU).
Summary: The OMEGA project aims to increase the employability of art and music students. The initiative aims to equip musicians and artists with additional skills and competencies.
Reference number: B1314R01
Project start and end: 2014/2015
Funding entity: Program or initiative: Àrea de desenvolupament Econòmic i Ocupació, Diputació de Barcelona.
Project title: Design and development of training, evaluation, accreditation and certification of the business tutor.
Participating organizations: The Abat Oliba CEU University and the University of Barcelona.
Project researchers: Olga Lasaga Millet and Javier Barraycoa Martínez (UAO), Antoni Moreno García (UB) Research assistant: Patricia Boquete Sancho Summary: The project aims to develop teaching materials and design a training program that provide company tutors with useful tools to help them carry out their teaching and guidance functions for intern students.
Reference number: EE_14 Lot3 – [ECPES]
Project start and end: 2012/14
Program or initiative: EUROPEAN PROJECT Education in Entrepreneurship
Project title: ECPES
Coordinating organization: The Abat Oliba CEU University
UAO CEU project researchers: Olga Lasaga Millet and Carmen Parra Rodríguez
Summary: To design and test a common European framework of tools and indicators to assess the entrepreneurial mindset, attitude and skills acquired by business students.
Reference number: OBSLAB1-2014
Project start and end: 2014
Program or initiative: Employability, Youth and Social Exclusion (EJES).
Project title: ICT training project for the integration of young people at risk of social exclusion.
Participating organizations: Fundació Trinijove, Proyecto Universidad Empresa (PUE), Cisco Systems and the Abat Oliba CEU University.
Project researchers: Olga Lasaga Millet
Summary: The main objective of the project is to find formulas that promote university-business-social entity cooperation in the joint design of training programs that favour the employability of people in situations of social exclusion.
Reference number: 2010MQD00162
Project start and end: 2010/2012
Funding entity: AGAUR (Agencia de Gestión de Ayudas Universitarias y de Investigación)
Project title: Teaching quality improvement project “international internships”
Project researchers: Olga Lasaga Millet
Summary: To design a coordinated procedure for the international relations service and the employment service to optimize international placements in order to improve professional skills and employability.
Reference number: Order Edu/2346/2011
Project start and end: 2011/2012
Program or initiative: Ministry of Education
Project title: University system for employability – SUE Global action II establishing the bases for the design of a system of evaluation, training and accreditation of skills for employment.
Project researchers: Olga Lasaga Millet (UAO). The following universities also participated: the University of Valencia, the Polytechnic of Valencia, UNED, Miguel Hernandez University, University Jaume I of Castelló, University of the Balearic Islands, the University of Granada; the Complutense University of Madrid, University Carlos III, and the University of Cantabria.
Summary: To analyse the definition, associated skills, methods for their training and forms of evaluation of the five most in-demand professional skills: teamwork, communication, adaptation, commitment and problem solving.
Reference number: B910AR02
Project start and end: 2010/2011
Program or initiative: 2009 Call for applications for Santander - CEU Pre-competitive Research Group Grants
Project title: Internationalization, skills and employability
Participating organizations: The Abat Oliba CEU University
Project researchers: Javier Barraycoa Martínez, Olga Lasaga Millet, Francesca Angrisano, Juan Carlos Marzo Campos and Amparo Ramos López.
Summary: This project includes a quantitative study on the self-assessment of skills of students who have carried out an international stay and a comparison between European universities and a qualitative study on the assessment of international skills by employers.
Reference number: B910AR02
Project start and end: 2009/2010
Program or initiative: 2009 Call for applications for Santander - CEU Pre-competitive Research Group Grants
Project title: Internationalization, skills and employability
Participating organizations: The Abat Oliba CEU University
Project researchers: Olga Lasaga Millet, Javier Barraycoa Martínez, Carmen Parra Rodríguez, Javier Sierra Sánchez and Mar Coll Opisso.
Summary: Qualitative study carried out by means of a focus group with the aim of determining and evaluating the intercultural skills developed by students during an international stay, as well as analysing their relevance to the students’ future employability.
Reference number: B0809AR2
Project start and end: 2008/2009
Program or initiative: 2009 Call for applications for Santander - CEU Pre-competitive Research Group Grants
Project title: Employer requirements for career opportunities for recent graduates in Business Administration and Economics.
Project researchers: Javier Barraycoa Martínez and Olga Lasaga Millet
Summary: The main aim of the project is to find formulas that promote university-business-social entity cooperation in the joint design of training programs that favour the employability of people in situations of social exclusion.
Reference number: 2011/13
Program or initiative: Lifelong Learning Program
Project title: P²INS - Parents as Partners in Nursery School
Participating organizations: Higher Institute for Family Sciences - Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel (HIG/HUB) (BE)
Project researchers: Olga Lasaga Millet and Javier Barraycoa Martínez
Summary: Project aimed at promoting the social inclusion of immigrant women by facilitating their access to training programs in the field of early childhood education and their subsequent employability.
Reference number: B1213R01
Project start and end: 2012/2013
Program or initiative: Àrea de desenvolupament Econòmic i Ocupació, Diputació de Barcelona.
Project title: The role of employers in training interns: professional skills and entrepreneurial spirit.
Coordinating organization: The Abat Oliba CEU University.
Project researchers: Olga Lasaga Millet and Javier Barraycoa Martínez
Research assistant: Patricia Boquete Sancho Summary: To reveal the lights and shadows surrounding the role of the internship tutor and their training, support or other needs.
Reference number: B1718EMO
Project start and end: 2018/2019
Program or initiative: Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya (SOC)
Project title: Development of a proprietary guidance model for the Catalan employment system
Participating organizations: The University of Barcelona, UOC, UAB, UVic, UAO
Project researchers: Olga Lasaga Millet
Summary: The project aims to develop a dictionary of skills, a psychometric tool for assessing them and a model that links occupations, skills levels and complementary training based on the RIASEC guidance model.
Reference number: OBSLAB 2-2017
Project start and end: 2017/2018
Program or initiative: Employability, Youth and Social Exclusion (EJES)
Project title: The professionalization of a vocation. The case of the Arts.
Participating organizations: The Abat Oliba CEU University.
Project researchers: Javier Barraycoa Martínez, Olga Lasaga Millet, Carmen Parra Rodríguez and Alejandro Belmonte Díaz.
Summary: This initiative was carried out after the implementation of the European project OMEGA (Open More Employment Gates for Arts and Music Students), with the aim of promoting the employment opportunities of graduates in the arts in Spain and the tools to carry out entrepreneurial projects. Within the framework of this project, it is planned to publish, in collaboration with the University of Granada, a book that will serve as a reference for providing training on entrepreneurship and employability to music and art students.
19th International conference on sociology and humanities. Held 2017 in Paris.
Presentation of the paper: “Encouraging skills and entrepreneurial spirit to improve employability of young artists”.
XIV International Symposium on the Practicum and external internships. Held 2017 in Poio.
Presentation of the paper: “Interuniversity course for the training and certification of business tutors”.
International Forum of Social and Solidarity Economy. Held 2017 in Marrakech.
Poster presentation: “ICT training for the insertion of young people at the risk of social exclusion: the university-social entity model”.
1st International Congress on University and Inclusion. Held 2017 in Barcelona.
Presentation of the paper: “The role of the company tutor in the internships of students with disabilities”.
4th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development. Held 2016 in Santiago de Compostela.
Presentation of the paper: “Training of company tutors to energize and motivate student interns”.
Career guidance as a key to university employability. Held in Granada 6, 7 and 8 May 2015.
Presentation of the paper: “Career guidance in companies: design and development of a program to train company tutors in teaching skills”.
International Conference on Social Responsibility Education and Practices. Held in Turkey 3 and 5 July 2014.
Presentation of the paper: “Practices for collaboration between Universities, Businesses and the Third Sector: ICT formative project for the insertion of youths at risk of social exclusion”.
XII International Symposium on the practicum and internships in companies in university education, with the collaboration of the Universities of Santiago de Compostela, Vigo and A Coruña. Held in Poio 26-28 June 2013.
Presentation of the paper: “Skills Workshop: an opportunity for development for the future psychologist”.
X International Forum on the Evaluation of the Quality of Research and Higher Education (FECIES). Held in Granada 25-28 June 2013.
Presentation of the paper: “Implementation of the teaching evaluation model for teachers at the Abat Oliba CEU University”.
23rd Annual EAIE Conference. Held in Copenhagen 16 September 2011.
Poster presentation: “The international experience as an opportunity for soft skills development”.
European Career Guidance Conference 2011. Held in Athens in 2011.
Poster presentation: “ERACON and CAREER-EU 2011”.
I International Conference “Communication Studies in the EHEA”. Held in Huesca 7-8 October 2010.
Presentation of the papers: “Communication: a complex and essential skill”. Professional skills and employability: the labour insertion of graduates in advertising and PR from the Abat Oliba CEU University.
Employability and Entrepreneurship. Held in Porto 27-28 September 2010.
Poster presentation: “Working in Large Company or in SMEs: the skills most valued in the selection process”.
European Career Guidance Counselling Conference. Held in Larnaca 23-27 May 2010.
Presentation of paper: “Key skills to overcome the crisis: qualitative analysis of multinationals and Spanish SME’s discourse”.
V National Guidance Meeting. Held in Seville, 12, 13 and 14 March 2010.
Presentation of paper: “The development of professional skills maps: a practical case”.
JB Martínez, OL Millet - @ tic. revista d'innovació educativa, 2010 -
J Barraycoa Martínez, O Lasaga Millet – 2012
JB Martínez, OL Millet - @ tic. revista d'innovació educativa, 2012 -
With the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), universities are taking on the challenge of constantly analysing both the evolution of labour market needs and graduates’ assessment of the effectiveness of the education they receive in terms of their employability.
To this end, the Abat Oliba CEU University established the Labour Observatory on 30 June 2009, by agreement of the Governing Board, as a multidisciplinary research space focused on the analysis of labour market dynamics and its dysfunctions. This Research Institute is co-directed by Dr. Javier Barraycoa Martínez and Dr. Olga Lasaga Millet. It maintains close collaboration with other Labour Observatories and public and private institutions linked to the field of labour insertion and professional guidance.
The main objectives of the Labour Observatory are:
As a result of the extensive and long-standing research work carried out by the Labor Observatory, the GRUPO PRECONSOLIDADO EJES has been established.
Contact address: [email protected]
Applicable legislation:
Internal regulations:
CEU - Banco Santander research mobility grants aim to support the mobility of young researchers in order to connect research groups from CEU Universities with international groups.
XVI call for applications for CEU - Banco Santander research mobility grants
Visiting scholars program for research stays.
Researchers from other universities or academic institutions who wish to carry out their research or parts of it at the UAO CEU are welcome. To this end, the University provides them with the necessary resources to carry out their work, provided that it takes place within the framework of the research activities of our professors and researchers and has the approval of the Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations.
For more information: [email protected]
Dear researchers in training:
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the seventh edition of CEINDO BCN 4 RESEARCH, a competition run by the CEU International Doctoral School that is open to all researchers in training (from their second year onwards) enrolled in Barcelona. The aim of this call is for them to take on the challenge of explaining their research in a maximum time of four minutes, using simple language that is easily understandable for a non-specialist audience.
This initiative, already long-standing in American universities and inspired by TED Talks, was organised for the first time at the Abat Oliba CEU University in the 2017-2018 academic year. This year, the final will be held on Thursday 2 May 2024.
The winner of this award will represent CEINDO Barcelona in the “Tesi en 4 Minuts” contest, organized by the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació with the support of the Generalitat of Catalonia, in which they will compete with representatives of the twelve universities of the Catalan university system. The inter-university final, which will take place on June 27 2024 in the city of Tarragona, will award a first prize of €3,000 and a second prize of €2,000 designated by a jury, a public prize of €1,000 and an Assumpció Català i Poch Special Mention to promote and foster the Catalan language worth €1000.
Attached in this email you will find the rules of the call and the registration form. To participate in the competition, you must fill out the form and send it to [email protected] before 14:00, 26 April 2024.
We hope that the initiative is of interest to you and encourage you to participate.
Kind regards,
The WHO defines health as “the perfect state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease”.
This definition is practically identical to Boethius’ classic definition of illness: “The perfect state through the union of all goods”, the goods being of three types: external, of the body and of the soul. The notion of happiness is related, in the Christian ethical-anthropological vision, to the concept of virtue.
At the same time, in psychology over the last twenty years, especially in Positive Psychology, the subject of full human development has been investigated from the concept of virtue.
In this Congress we propose to delve deeper into this relationship between health, especially mental health, and happiness by developing the virtualities of the classic Christian concept of virtue in the field of theoretical and practical psychology.