The Library Service is here to support study and research activity, and our main mission is to meet the educational and scientific needs of the University.
The Library, founded in 1975, is a member of the following library networks:
The Library is a member of the Catalan Universities’ Services Consortium, which allows you to check the Collective Catalogue of Catalan Universities (CCUC) and access a wide range of bibliographic resources online.
Abat Oliba CEU University
Library Service
Bellesguard, 30
08022 Barcelona
Tel: 93 254 09 07
Fax: 93 418 93 80
In exam periods:
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays the library will open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturdays and holidays when Library does not open
In 2006, Abat Oliba CEU University Library carried out a process of evaluation called Evaluation of library services for their contribution to the quality of learning and research.
As part of a new university context characterised by the process of adaptation to the EHEA, the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU) has carried out a wide-reaching evaluation process involving all libraries of the Catalan universities.
The main objectives of this process are:
As a result of this evaluation process, the following documents were produced:
The bibliographic information service has the following objectives:
To use it, you can go to the Library in person, call us by phone (93 254 09 07) or contact us by email at [email protected]
The aim of the loan service is to facilitate the consultation of the Library's collections from off campus.
The purpose of these regulations is to conserve documents as well as possible and to optimise use.
Members of Abat Oliba CEU University: professors, researchers, students and administrative and service staff.
Undergraduate students | 4 | 10 |
Master's, postgraduate and PhD students | 6 | 20 |
Teachers and PAS | 15 | 30 |
The loan period can be extended up to a maximum of 4 times if the pieces on loan have not been requested by another user and provided that the request for extension is made within the loan period.
The loan service operates every day the Library is open: Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. On Saturdays and Sundays the Library is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Documents may also be borrowed during the Christmas and Easter holidays, with the return date being the first school day after these periods.
The books can be reserved through the catalog, both if they are available and if they are loaned to another user. When a new book is needed to collect, you will receive a message to the University's email address. Reservations expire within 48 hoursand you can reserve a maximum of 4 books.
Although all the material in the Library can be borrowed, there are some documents that are excluded from loan because of their frequent use, age, etc.
Generally excluded from the loan are:Documents left on loan must be returned within the established time limit. Any delay in return will be grounds for a penalty. The penalties will consist of the blocking of the user card for 3 days without loan for each day of delay. In case of loss or damage, the user must replace the lent item with a copy of the same edition. Until this is done, they will not be able to use the loan service. Repeated failure to return on time will result in permanent suspension as a user of this service.
The aim of the Interlibrary Loan Service is to provide members of the university community with documents (originals or copies) that are not in the UAO CEU Library. On the other hand, it supplies documents to other libraries and external centres that wish to access our Library's collections.
The document must be requested using the online form. If it is the first time that the user is accessing the form, they must register, and if they are a user of the University, they must register using their UAO CEU email address. Once they have registered, they can request documents by filling in the form fields correctly with sufficient bibliographic data to locate them.
IMPORTANT: If digital resources are consulted using "remote access", Interlibrary Loan requests must be made from the link to the form on this screen, by logging in and manually filling out the request form ("Request a document").
Consultation of original documents will always be done in the Library itself. The duration of the loan will be established by the library supplying the item but is usually between 15 and 30 days. Copies of documents will be sent to the requesting user by email ([email protected])
The user training service has the following objectives:
For more information about this service, you can go to the Library in person, telephone (93 254 09 07) or contact us by email at [email protected]
The aim of the Acquisitions Service is to allow any member of the UAO CEU university community (students, PDI, PAS) to recommend the purchase of books or any other type of bibliographic or audiovisual material.
You can fill in the following form and send it to the Library. The Library will study the proposal and, if it is accepted by the Director of Studies, will proceed to acquire and will inform the user when it becomes available
Teachers and PAS
You can request the purchase of books or other bibliographic or audiovisual material by filling in the following form, which should be sent to the Director of Studies. If the proposal is accepted, the Library will process its acquisition and inform when it bcomes available.
Before making the request, we recommend that you consult the Library catalogue to check the availability of the document.
The Aranzadi Room is a space for group work for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 people. To use it, users must present their ID card at the Library counter and pick up a key.
During the examination period, the conditions for use are as follows:
Before publishing an article, you need to select the right journal for it:
Open access to scientific literature online means digital resources can be accessed freely, without economic barriers and without restrictions derived from copyright. This is achieved through publication in open access journals or by self-archiving the works in institutional or thematic repositories (CEU Institutional Repository, RECERCAT, TDR/TDX)
Advantages of open publishing
These are rights that are recognised to the authors of original works which are protected by the Law on Intellectual Property (LPI)
Copyright and teaching materials
The digitisation and incorporation of other people’s documents in your teaching materials, in CampusNet or the repository, will be carried out in accordance with the LPI.
What materials can be published on CampusNet according to the LPI?
Other quality indicators
Books and chapters
Multidisciplinary academic database containing the full text of more than 4,650 publications. It has PDF versions of publications going back as far as 1975 and allows you to search references to over a thousand titles. It is updated daily.
Dialnet is a Hispanic bibliographic database, multidisciplinary in scope, which facilitates access or location of the full text of scientific literature documents. Members of UAO CEU, as a collaborating institution of Dialnet, can subscribe to notification services and access other more advanced options. To do this, you will need to register and enter your university mail and link to the Institution: "Universitat Abat Oliba CEU"
Dialnet Métricas is a portal that, based on the analysis of bibliographic references cited in journal articles—focusing on Social Sciences, Legal Sciences, and Humanities—indexed in Dialnet, provides a set of indicators to help identify the relevance of scientific production in these disciplines.
The indicators obtained are: Dialnet Journal Index (IDR) and Dialnet Indicators.
This is a platform that contains multiple databases specialising in different subjects.
Multidisciplinary database that offers full-text documents of more than 200 academic publications from Spain and Latin America in various fields: economics and business, computer science, political science, education, literature, linguistics, history, philosophy, theology.
This directory provides detailed information on more than 7,100 journals, 4,400 of which are indexed in the International Bibliography. The comprehensive entries include editorial contact information, as well as frequency, circulation, subscription cost, and guidelines for submission.
Contains articles from specialist magazines, books and dissertations. The online version of the Modern Language Association's bibliography dates back to the 1920s and contains more than 1.8 million citations from more than 4,400 journals and serials published by nearly a thousand different publishers. The coverage of the indexed materials is international.
REDIB offers direct access to quality scientific and academic documents, published by publishers of scientific and academic content from Ibero-American countries or on Ibero-American topics. Its mission is to promote and disseminate scientific production generated in Latin American countries.
The portal has a journal search engine that allows simple and advanced searches. It contains an alphabetical list of journal titles (more than 1400); a thematic list, classified by large groups (Sciences, Applied Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities) divided into disciplines, and a list by country.
You can also search by documents, with an advanced search that allows you to limit by language, subject, type of resource or year of publication.
The entities participating in REDIB are CSIC and UNIVERSIA.
Database of the Dutch multinational Elsevier, which contains references of more than 18,000 peer-reviewed journals in science, technology, medicine and social sciences. Includes the Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) impact factor. The author search provides valuable information about affiliation and research, including an h-index chart of their publications.
IMPORTANT: At UAO CEU we do not have direct access to the full text of the articles, we must request them from USP or UCH. You can send us your requests for documents to [email protected]
SpringerLink is Springer’s platform, providing access to more than 5.7 million research papers. Access the references and request the full text through the Interlibrary Loan Service (indicating in the Notes field that it is a Springer document).
The Web Of Science (WOS) is a platform that has collected references from the main scientific publications of any discipline of knowledge, scientific, technological, humanistic and sociological, since 1945, essential for the support of research and the recognition of the efforts and advances made by the scientific and technological community.
The Journal Citation Report (JCR) contains the best known quality indicator and the one most highly valued by research activity evaluation bodies: the impact factor. The impact factor measures the impact of a journal in terms of the citations received by the articles published and listed in the Web of Science (WOS).
There is great integration between the Web of Science and the JCR, which allows fluid navigation between the data of both resources.
More information can be found in the FECYT training channel
Database of legislation, jurisprudence and legal bibliography belonging to Thomson Reuters. It is updated daily and covers legislation, with references since 1930 and full texts since 1978, and jurisprudence from 1979 onwards. The database allows searches of legislation, jurisprudence, administrative doctrine, bibliography or current news. It also allows users to view forms and the section on Aranzadi Experts, a practical solution that collects consultation documents on a subject made by prestigious collaborators.
When you enter the database, click on the classic access button. Then select the option Aranzadi Institutions.
Access to the database (Login as "Collective User")
Law database specially aimed at teaching and study. It includes, among other information, legislation, jurisprudence, legal news, teaching materials, journals and links to legal resources.
Computer application that helps practise for the Bar Exam, and which includes the content of the Examination Questions Manual for Access to the Bar, based on the structure of the exam itself.
It has two different parts: practice mode and exam mode.
It also includes Memento de Ejercicio Profesional de la Abogacía and Memento de Acceso a la Abogacía, with links to solve students’ questions.
Exclusive access for students of the Master’s Degree in the Legal Profession.
Database that includes the old Mementos of the Mercantile, Fiscal, Social and Accounting areas of the Editorial Francis Lefebvre. It also includes the legal database El
The Mementos are connected with the texts of the legal base of El legislation, jurisprudence and administrative doctrine, and with forms, doctrinal articles, collective agreements, etc. Accessible only from the UAO CEU computer network.
Legal database containing: state doctrine, forms, diagrams, jurisprudence and administrative resolutions, legal texts of state, regional and international regulations, and bibliography.
New section: Tirant Analytics (Tool to carry out statistical work, studies and analysis on legal problems and their impact on a province, population)
A database that integrates all the legal information on the same page, which combines a wide range of documentary content that is up-to-date and rigorously analysed, with one of the best search engines on the market and with unique and differential advanced functionalities that offer secure, fast and precise answers. You have direct access to all publications in the Smarteca library, as well as reliable, accurate and easy-to-use calculation tools.
Database of legislation and jurisprudence (regional, state, community) with full texts. Includes full-text Spanish legal publications (books and journals).
WestlawNext is an international legal portal containing analytical material, international legal journals, etc. It also includes legislation and jurisprudence from the United States, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and the European Union.
WestlawNext expands its content to include Westlaw UK. In fact, the main access to the database is, by default, from the Westlaw UK interface, from the "Services" section.
Communication Source is the most comprehensive resource on the market for communications research. Communication Source was developed from a combination of high-quality databases, Communication and Mass Media Complete and EBSCO’s Communication Abstracts, and includes several unique sources previously unavailable in other databases. Communication Source provides abstracts and indices, as well as full content from worldwide publications in the fields of communication, linguistics, rhetoric and public speaking, media studies, and other fields relevant to the discipline.
Guía de Medios Digital is a resource with practical and referential information about the media, advertising rates and professionals in the sector. It is updated daily and offers information on more than 7,750 media outlets by sector, subject or field and information on professionals. In addition to the media’s contact details, you can also consult the supplements, different editions, characteristics, contracting conditions, information content and audience profile, OJD control, management staff, marketing and advertising.
Database developed by the company My News, which offers the print editions of a selection of more than 120 titles of national, regional and international press, both free and paid. It includes general information newspapers, 10 of them foreign; newspapers specialising in finance (Cinco días, Expansión, La Gaceta de los negocios, etc.), sports (As, Sport, Marca) and medical information (Diario médico, etc.); official bulletins: BOE (until 1999) and DOGC; news agencies: EFE and Europa Press.
Database created in the framework of the American Memory Project of the Library of Congress. It collects more than 9,000 images from the early days of advertising in the United States of America. It allows you to search by keyword, subject or according to the category of the ads.
This is the online database with the most TV commercials in Spain. It contains more than 8,000 high-resolution ads, available for instant viewing and downloading to users’ computers.
The service allows you to search for ads from over the last 20 years, sorted by brand, product category, advertising agency and production company or by keywords. It also includes industry news, technical data sheets and a company directory. It is updated daily.
Bloomberg provides real-time and historical financial data on stock prices, stock indices, fixed income securities, currencies, commodities, and domestic and international futures markets. It also offers analyst forecasts, company profiles, financial statements and news. It offers portfolio management and communications tools.
On-site consultation in Aula Informática 0.07_2. You should make an appointment beforehand by contacting the Library staff [email protected].
Business Source Complete contains the premier collection of full text and bibliographic records of scholarly publications on business topics. It covers numerous topics extensively, and includes abstracts and indexes of major scholarly publications on business dating back to 1886. It also allows you to search for cited references from more than 1,300 specialised journals.
Compilation of regulatory documents from the various departments of ICAC classified in five different sections: Organisation, Auditing, ROAC, Accounting, Accountancy, Accounts Depository
A database that collects bibliographic citations, full text and statistics of business news from all over the world from different sources: A&G Information, Africa News Service, Inter Press Service, Resource News International, South American Business, M2 Communications, PR Newswire, Business News Wire, Canadian Corporate News, News Bytes, News Network and Phillips Business Information Highlights.
Database containing financial information on more than 800,000 Spanish companies. It contains up to 10 years of historical information on the accounts of each company and can be searched by company or group of companies. The reports can be printed or exported to a spreadsheet and you can choose the language (Spanish, Portuguese or English) and currency of interest. It allows you to extract detailed, statistical and/or comparative analyses and make different graphs with the resulting data.
SABI has a maximum number of weekly downloads. Once this limit has been exceeded, it will take seven days for the counter to reset. To avoid this limit, it is important to reduce the number of companies in our search, because if we exceed it: the file will appear without the data and this will affect other people’s ability to search. Thank you for your collaboration.
User guide - How to use - Explanatory video
This is a database specialising in market research, which provides strategic analysis on industries, countries, consumers and companies. It offers a global view of the industry and economic landscape of more than 200 countries and 1,150 cities.
This is the most comprehensive bibliography on current Spanish Literature. It contains bibliographical references of works, editions, translations of originals and studies, published from 1980 onwards in books or journals, tributes, conference proceedings, miscellaneous, etc., published in Spain or abroad. It gives news publications relating to Spanish Literature and its authors from the Middle Ages to the present.
ERIC offers access to educational literature and resources. The database contains more than 1,300,000 records and provides access to information on publications included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and the Resources in Education Index.
Database of specialised journals, books and other reference sources in the humanities. It provides the index and abstracts of more than 1,700 publications and includes more than 1.6 million records.
Bibliographic database produced by the Philosopher's Information Center (USA), which compiles summaries of all the academic production of the fifteen main thematic areas of the field of philosophy, published in books and journals from 1940 to the present day. You will find references to journal articles, books, contributions to anthologies and book reviews from some 570 journals from forty-three countries, in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and other languages.
Digital platform to learn the main concepts of anatomy and physiology of the human body with 360° images. Divided into modules, each one focuses on a region of the body and uses a variety of formats to illustrate the subject matter: animated models, videos, photographs, MRI correlations and pathology slides.
Comprehensive database containing information on topics related to emotional and behavioural traits, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods. It is the largest full-text psychology database in the world, and includes the full text of 536 publications.
American Psychological Association (APA) database. This database collects over two million citations and abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, monographs, and dissertations in psychology and related sciences, and contains references to over two thousand journals in 35 different languages since 1872.
PSICODOC is a bibliographic database, with links to full texts, specialised in Psychology and related disciplines. It includes works published in journals, conferences and books, published in Spain, Portugal and Latin America, from 1975 to the present.
Access the database (via OVID)
MEDLINE is the world's most comprehensive resource for medical journals, with full text of more than 1,200 MEDLINE-indexed journals. This extensive archive contains the full text of the most consulted publications in the MEDLINE index, with no limitation on dissemination. With full-text coverage dating back to 1965, it is the unrivalled research tool in medical publishing.
To access subscription-only sections, please ask at the Library information desk.
To access subscription-only sections, please ask at the Library information desk.
To access subscription-only sections, please ask at the Library information desk.
My News On Line
Database developed by the company My News, which offers the print editions of a selection of more than 120 titles of national, regional and international press, both free and paid. It includes general information newspapers, 10 of them foreign; newspapers specialising in finance (Cinco días, Expansión, La Gaceta de los negocios, etc.), sports (As, Sport, Marca) and medical information (Diario médico, etc.); official bulletins: BOE (until 1999) and DOGC; news agencies: EFE and Europa Press.
Database of digital journals of a range of subjects, mostly Anglo-Saxon. It allows access to the full text of journals subscribed to by the University Library, or a summary of other titles included in the database. It is integrated with the EBSCO Discovery Service.
Compilation of open-access full-text digital journals in the academic and scientific field. Search by title or subject. This is a project led by Lund University (Sweden) and SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition)
Virtual repository of printed journals published by various institutions, scanned for consultation in image format in .pdf or .tiff. This database aims to facilitate access to retrospective information so it does not include the latest issues of journals, in most cases we access the full texts from the very first issues to those published between 2 and 5 years ago. Our library subscribes to the Business collection.
The THOMSON REUTERS PROVIEW portal of law and legal science journals provides access to a series of journals published by Aranzadi, Civitas and Lex Nova.
Important: to access you must enter your UAO CEU e-mail address. Each user will be able to access their own searches, make annotations, underline content. However, when accessing remotely, personal user accounts are disabled, meaning no annotations can be made on them.
The publishing house Wolters Kluwer has created a new portal which includes 31 journals by the publishing house La Ley and CISS grouped into 8 subjects: multidisciplinary legal, local administration, civil, commercial, criminal, administrative, tax, labour and business.
Important: new Smarteca platform. The first time you access it, you must register as a user beforehand. You must follow the instructions to register properly, using the university email.
It allows access to content from computers connected to the University computer network, offering texts on general education, specific didactics and educational organisation and management.
This database allows you to consult the working papers of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a private non-profit organisation dedicated to research into economics. It publishes more than 700 working papers per year written by renowned scholars from around the world. Its online database offers bibliographic information on more than 7,000 Working Papers published since 1973 and the full text since November 1994.
This e-book platform by ODILO allows you to request loans, reserve books, bookmark favourites, make lists, share content, and make suggestions for purchases, among other features.
To access the platform's catalogue, all you have to do is create a user account with your university email address. The books are presented through thematic carousels and you can also search for specific books by author, title, publisher or subject. Once the book is borrowed, it can be read online using Nubereader or downloaded using Adobe Digital Editions. It is possible to read or download books on different devices and on the Odilo APP available for iOS and Android.
The conditions for the loan of electronic books are as follows:
More information in the video tutorial and in the user guide.
Digital platform from which you can access all the books published by the Tirant lo Blanch publishing house in electronic format. It collects the best works of legal science and law, as well as other specialized channels in humanities and social sciences. It currently has more than 5600 titles. It has a limit of ten simultaneous users.
More information in the user guide.
Digital book collections of the McGraw Hill publishing house specializing in economics and business, and social sciences.
Platform that allows online viewing and temporary downloading (loan) of e-books. We currently have a collection of some 1,400 interdisciplinary titles from the Union of Spanish University Publishers (UNE), to which the UAO CEU Library will gradually incorporate e-books from other publishers. Access to the platform is free, although for online viewing or borrowing e-books it is necessary to identify yourself with your institutional username and password.
The conditions for the loan of electronic books are as follows:
More information in the user guide.
Editorial Graó's ePremium Books service provides access to more than 2200 chapters of 250 books. Its full-text database, with unlimited access, includes areas such as teacher training, didactics, organization and management of centers, social intervention or the educational community, among many others. From the same portal, we also have access to the editorial collection of all the journals of Editorial Graó.
More information in the user guide.
Includes 404 full-text book titles divided into chapters.
It includes digital books from the legal publishers Dykinson, Bosch, Edersa, Marcial Pons, etc.
RefWorks is a bibliographic manager that allows you to create a personal database to store bibliographic references imported from catalogs and databases that can be classified, organized and inserted into academic papers, scientific articles, bibliographies and theses with the appropriate citation style.
The classic version will no longer be used, we recommend that you upgrade your account to the new version.
More information: [email protected]
CEU-ReI is the digital archive of the San Pablo CEU University Foundation and collects the documents that are the result of the research and academic activity of the Universities San Pablo-CEU, Cardenal Herrera-CEU and Abat Oliba CEU, in order to gather, preserve and disseminate them in
open access.
TDR is a cooperative repository that contains, in digital format, doctoral theses read in the universities of Catalonia and other autonomous communities. It allows remote consultation of the full text of the theses via the Internet, as well as searches by author, director, title, subject of the thesis, university and department where it was read, year of the defense, etc. Anyone presenting a doctoral thesis at the UAO can participate. If this is your case and you are interested, please contact [email protected].
RECERCAT is a cooperative repository of digital documents that includes research literature from universities and research centres in Catalonia, such as unpublished articles (preprints), conference papers, research reports, working papers, final year papers, etc. UAO members interested in depositing open access documents in RECERCAT should send a message to [email protected] and we will send you all the necessary information about the steps to follow.
The RECOLECTA portal (Open Science Collector) is a joint initiative of the University Libraries Network (REBIUN) and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECyT) whose main objective is to promote the open access publication of research works developed in the different Spanish academic institutions and to facilitate their use and visibility while providing tools to facilitate the development of open access content.
The bibliographic reference models proposed by the UAO CEU Library have been developed from the ISO 690:2010 Information and documentation - Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources. AENOR published the Spanish version in May 2013: UNE-EN 690 Guidelines for writing bibliographic references and citations of information resources. Madrid, May 2013.